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The Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                21

               Awaiting your blessings in the name of our Joshua the ing a pre-existence and growth. Also in the “Ascension
               Messiah.                                        of Isaiah,” we read of the right hand of G-d coming out
                                                               of the 7th Heaven, walking amongst men, going to
               Your Loving Brother in Yahweh,                  “Hades,” then working his way all the way back up to
               P.S.R.                                          the “Right Hand of the Father (Yehovah). Thus, Christ
               South India                                     is the embodiment of the Father, and the true Word of
                                                               G-d, from which the world would not be fashioned
                                     ***                       without...

               Hi,                                             I would like to hear your angle on this. Thanks, and
               I’ve been seeking God’s Truth for such a long time (I hap-
               pened upon Herbert Armstrong’s writings in the early Your brother in Christ,
               1980s), but because there is such division among the J.
               Churches of God, it’s been frustrating trying to sift
               through the differences to find the “True Church.” After COMMENT: The Bible (both Old and New Testa-
               much study at the Christian Churches of God website, I ments) clearly supports the concept of the ONE True
               felt that their unitarian perspective seemed logical and God. The idea of a biune godhead is foreign to the Bi-
               scriptural, so I very much wanted to be a part of their ble -- as is the physical pre-existence of the Messiah. I
               church. But after only minimal contact with one of their would suggest that you read all of our articles dealing
               representatives, I sensed an arrogance and a lack of love with this subject. The Old Testament rejects the idea of
               that left me feeling unwanted and hurt...and then angry! It a pre-existent Messiah -- as does the New Testament
               doesn’t seem like the kind of message Christ wished to when the errors and perversions of the translators are
               convey to those honestly seeking his Father’s Kingdom.  corrected. The Being walking around in the Garden of
                                                               Eden was YEHOVAH God -- not the Messiah!
               I’ve been reading the articles on your website with enthu-
               siasm and renewed hope. Thank you. I need to be with my You should not go to extra-biblical sources (such as
               people and to do my Father’s will.              the “Ascension of Isaiah”) to establish YEHOVAH’s
                                                               doctrine. These publications were written by people
               Sincerely,                                      well versed in the pagan doctrines of the day.
               M. G. B.
               New York                                        Also, I am not sure what you mean by “I pray in
                                                               tongues sometimes,” but I sincerely hope it is not some
                                     ***                       sort of unknown tongue or gibberish such as the
                                                               “Tongues Movement” people use in their services.
               Hello again John.                               This is a device of Satan. The word “tongues” in the
                                                               New Testament refers to other known languages of the
               I have read a few more articles, and came across one in the day. You should send for our article dealing with this
               Yehovah “Sahakan” about the Garden of Eden, and the vital subject.
               non-pre-existence of Christ. As many believe that this was
               the Christ walking around the garden and not the Father,            ***
               and having read the two articles on this (I pray in tongues
               sometimes, and I use Shakan A LOT!), I would personally Hola John,
               question this, as “The Son of Man” also appears in the
               “Book of Enoch,” and was born of the Holy Spirit, indicat- Shalom y saludos de Espana soleada.

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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