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56 Murder Demands...Capital Punishment!
duction of the bestial crimes which are fouling It is, therefore, a matter of supreme
the lives of our people. national importance that the ruling authority
in this Realm understands what, over the past
While Jesus [Yeshua] taught forgive- three decades, it has increasingly failed to
ness, it was strictly on a person-to-person level. demonstrate it understands. This is, that Par-
It had nothing whatever to do with the State’s re- liament and Government do not have au-
sponsibility for administering criminal law. The thority from the Electorate to transfer to
only person who can forgive the murderer is the alien bodies, i.e. the European Union, the
victim and that person is dead. The deterrent Power to govern us and make laws affect-
argument is also completely beside the point: ing us, on this and other matters. There can
murderers were not executed under the Di- be no question but that the Government
vine Law merely as examples, but because that should reintroduce capital punishment re-
is what [YEHOVAH] God’s justice demands. gardless of what the supranational powers in
Europe seek to dictate.
The lawful and peaceful order of our
once great country is passing into the hands of The sculptures over the main entrance
alien powers and criminal hordes. On 2nd May, of the Central Criminal Court in London, rep-
2002, Britain yielded up the sovereignty of its resent the Recording Angel in the center, with
courts to the new European human rights rules. Fortitude and Truth. Above this are the words
Thus, without the approval of the Electorate, “Defend the children of the poor and pun-
Ministers signed a new protocol after a decision ish the wrongdoer” being a paraphrase of
by the Lord Chancellor to support the updated Psalm 82:3-4. These are words that need to be
charter. This means that those who are supposed remembered and acted upon by those who
to defend the Realm have given away all rights to would rule in righteousness if we are to prog-
bring back the death penalty, even in a time of ress at all in the 21st century.
Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there
is a mysterious character at the heart of prophecy -- a
woman who rides a beast.
Who is this woman? Tradition says she is connected with
the church of Rome. But isn’t such a view outdated? After
all, today’s Vatican is eager to join hands with Protestants
worldwide. “The Catholic church has changed,” is what
we hear.
Or has it? In A Woman Rides the Beast, the author sifts
through biblical truth and global events to present a
well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful
place in world events. Eight remarkable clues in Revela-
tion 17 and 18 prove the woman’s identity beyond any
A Woman Rides the Beast. $14.00 postage paid from:
Hope of Israel Ministries. (See address inside cover).
The Berean Voice March-April 2003