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                       And He said to them, "WHAT THINGS?" And they said to Him, "THE THINGS          CON-
                       CERNING JESUS OF NAZARETH, who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before
                       God and all the people, AND HOW THE CHIEF PRIESTS AND OUR RULERS DE-
                       we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this,
                       TODAY is the THIRD DAY since THESE THINGS happened. -- Luke 24:13, 15, 17-21.

                       What were "THE THINGS" that the disciples were talking about, and what were "THESE
               THINGS" that it was the third day from? "DELIVERED HIM TO BE CONDEMNED TO DEATH,
               AND CRUCIFIED HIM" of course! Nothing more, and nothing less! Any grammarian with a
               knowledge of both English and Greek will tell you that "the things" in these verses refer to the con-
               demnation and crucufixion. To take OTHER verses from the Bible and paste them in here to
               broaden the meaning of "the things" VIOLATES scripture and places the perpetrator in a very seri-
               ous position with God.

                       Notice what Chris Lingle says --

                       This verse took place after, yet on the same day as the visit of the disciples to the tomb
                       and was spoken by one of the two men who were on the road to Emmaus to the Messiah
                       himself who had asked them why they were saddened. Notice, that TODAY (the one they
                       were on) was the THIRD DAY SINCE these things were done. What things were done?
                       The PRECEDING VERSES tell us -- SINCE the capture, trial, torture and crucifixion of
                       Yahushua the Messiah! And, what day were they then on -- clearly from our analysis of
                       Lk.24:1 it was Sunday [actually, the first day of the week -- the Jews only numbered their
                       days], late in the morning thereabout. Now if we then count backwards from Sunday
                       morning [1st day of the week] three days, it brings us to Friday [actually, the 6th day of
                       the week] with inclusive reckoning and to Thursday [5th day of the week] with exclusive
                       reckoning. Try both ways on your fingers, there is NO WAY to arrive on a Wednesday! --
                       When Were the True Dates of the Crucifixion and Resurrection? 1997.

                       The author is here assuming that "the first day of the week" equates to Sunday in our time,
               but that is a wrong assumption -- more on this later.

                       Notes Samuele Bacchiocchi:

                       The literal interpretation of the "three days and three nights" is also discredited by Luke's
                       account of Christ's appearance on Sunday evening to the two disciples who were going to
                       the village of Emmaus. Christ, whom they had not recognized caught up to them and
                       asked them, "What is this conversation which you are holding with each other as you
                       walk?" (Luke 24:17).

                       The two men, surprised at Jesus' unawareness of what had happened in Jerusalem, re-
                       counted to Him "how our chief priests and rulers delivered him [Christ] to be condemned
                       to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes,
                       and besides all this, it is not the third day since this happened" (Luke 24:21).

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