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                                                                      The Entombment of Christ

                                                               In their efforts to disparage the Catholic and
                                                               Protestant concept of Good Friday and Easter
                                                               Sunday, many of the Churches of God have ad-
                                                               hered to Bullinger's theory of Christ being in the
                                                               grave for three days and three nights. According
                                                               to this view, the crucifixion occurred on a
                                                               Wednesday  and the resurrection late on Satur-
                                                               day afternoon.

                                                               In order to validate this idea, Bullinger inserted
                                                               a weekly Sabbath between Nisan 14 and the
                                                               resurrection -- thus two sabbaths (the high Holy
                                                               Day of Nisan 15 and the Saturday sabbath) sup-
                                                               posedly occurred during this time.

                 Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of God)     But when we read the gospel accounts of
                 The Berean Voice Magazine                     Christ's death and resurrection with an open
                 P.O. Box 6772                                 mind, there is absolutely no way we can get
                 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772                  three days and three nights from these New Tes-
                 U.S.A.                                        tament verses! I don't care if you read the Bible

                                                               hanging from the ceiling, lying on your back or
                 Website:            peddling through a rain forest -- the conclusion
                 E-mail:                 is the same! The Bible simply does not support

                                                               this viewpoint.
                 Editor and Director
                                                               So where does this leave us -- back to the
                 John D. Keyser                                Catholic and Protestant dogma of Good Friday

                                                               and Easter Sunday? No, not at all.
                 Contributing Writers
                                                               When we understand that God's true weekly
                 David Hinkley                                 Sabbath day can fall on any day of the week in
                 Darren W. Clarke                              the pagan Gregorian calendar of today, the
                 Deborah Taylor                                problem can easily be resolved. During the
                                                               week of Christ's death in A.D.30, the weekly
                 Technical Advisor                             Sabbath fell on a Thursday, and since scripture
                                                               and history show that Christ was put to death on
                 David Hinkley                                 a Wednesday, everything falls nicely into place.

                 Hope of Israel Ministries --                  With this knowledge we don't have to wrest and
                                                               distort God's word in order to disprove the er-
                 Taking the Lead in the                        rors of Catholicism and her daughters.

                 Search for Truth!                                                                         --  John D. Keyser

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