Page 46 - BV2
P. 46

                                     King of the Jews

                                                      By Dave Hunt

                     At this time of year [Christmas] multitudes  integrity and eternal purposes are linked to Is-
                of people who otherwise have little or no      rael's survival!
                thought of God or Christ give lip service to the
                idea that more than 1,900 years ago Jesus was       Yasser Arafat claims that Israel has always
                born in Bethlehem and "there came wise men     belonged to Arabs and that Jerusalem has been
                from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he  an Arab city for thousands of years. In fact, it
                that is born king of the Jews?" (Mt. 2:1-2).   isn't even mentioned in the Koran. On July 15,
                Oddly, many Christians who believe Jesus was 1889, the  Pittsburg Dispatch reported that of
                born "king of the Jews" attach no literal mean- Jerusalem's 40,000 residents, 30,000 were
                ing to that title, especially one that has anything  Jews and most of the others were Christians. In
                to do with Jews. Prophecies concerning Christ 1948, when Israel declared its independence,
                ruling the world from David's throne in Jerusa-  only 3 percent of Palestine was owned by
                lem are taken as metaphors referring to His    Arabs.
                present rule from heaven.
                                                                    Israel has its Knesset in Jerusalem. But the
                      Jerusalem was founded by King David      world won't accept that, and foreign embassies
                3,000 years ago. No fewer than 40 times the    are located elsewhere. In defiance of God and
                Bible calls Jerusalem "the city of David."     His King (Ps. 2), the world has its own plans
                There God established David's throne forever, for Jerusalem.
                and on that throne the Messiah, King of the
                Jews, descended from David, must reign over        Here we confront the broader aspects of
                Israel and the world (2 Chron. 6:6; 33:7; 2    anti-Semitism's war against God and the King
                Sam. 7:16; Ps. 89:3,4,20,21,29-36, etc.). Jeru-  of the Jews: the attempt to control Jerusalem
                salem is named more than 800 times in the Bi- and God's land (Lev. 25:23). Incredibly, the
                ble and is central to God's plans. He has      United Nations' Security Council has devoted
                placed His name there forever.                 nearly a third of its deliberations and resolu-
                                                               tions to Israel, a country with less than one-
                     Knowing that only the Messiah, descended  thousandth of the earth's population! The
                from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, can defeat      United Nations has never condemned the Ar-
                him, Satan has inspired 3,000 years of anti-   abs for their terrorism but has condemned Is-
                Semitism. Destroying all Jews would have rael more than 370 times for defending itself.
                prevented Messiah from being born. Satan lost In March 1999, the European Union notified
                that round. But if all Jews could be destroyed  Israel again that it "does not recognize Israel's
                today, God could not fulfill His promises that sovereignty" over Jerusalem. In a recent papal
                Christ would reign as King of the Jews on bull [and that word says it all!!] on the Year
                David's throne at His second coming. God       2000 Jubilee, Pope John Paul II once again re-
                would be a liar and Satan the winner. God's    jected Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem.

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