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History of the Sabbath
In the Babylonian Mysteries Nimrod was given
the name of Saturn -- the hidden god. Down
through history nation after nation gave glory
and tribute to the hebdomadal gods of Babel,
and sabbath days were declared and set aside in
their honor -- Friday, the day honoring Venus;
Saturday, the day honoring Saturn; and Sunday,
the day honoring the Sun god. Nimrod and his
Babylonian Mystery worship are alive and well
in the world of today!
Tracing the history of the Saturday Sabbath (as
observed by most Jews and certain "Christian"
groups today) is indeed fascinating, and can be
quite shocking to those who hold that the Satur-
Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of God) day "Sabbath" is inviolate and is the same today
The Berean Voice Magazine as it was back in the second chapter of Genesis.
P.O. Box 6772
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772 To realize that Satan has blinded the Jews in
U.S.A. general, and almost all of so-called Christian-
ity, is a pill that most people find hard to swal-
Website: low. To even contemplate that God's true
E-mail: Sabbath day went into eclipse and was replaced
by the Saturday Sabbath, is something that most
Editor and Director unconverted people will not dwell upon. Only a
few out of modern "Israel" will hear and obey
John D. Keyser these words of truth. The majority will stop
their ears so they cannot hear. Religious groups
Contributing Writers (including the Churches of God) will condemn
you. The secular world will in no way under-
David Hinkley stand. They will brand you as crazy and of un-
sound mind. Your family will separate from
Deborah Taylor you. You will indeed be a "peculiar" people
separated unto Yehovah.
Technical Advisor
But the evidence for God's weekly Sabbath day
David Hinkley being tied to the phases of the moon is OVER-
WHELMING. In the search for truth we have
Hope of Israel Ministries -- uncovered vital new truth that is going to sepa-
rate the men from the boys. I pray that you, the
Taking the Lead in the reader, will be one of the men.
Search for Truth!
-- John D. Keyser