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inscription by King Nebuchadnezzar is one of the descent, including the Celts and Saxons who first
strongest proofs possible that the Bible is an accurate colonized the British Isles.
record of the events it describes.
On page 68, we read:
The Peoples of Today's Israel Identi-
fied by Archaeology "The various types of gold jewelry made at about 2000
B.C. in Egypt and elsewhere in the eastern Mediterra-
nean belong to categories of which examples appear at
The well-founded case for Celto-Saxon identity with other times and in other places. For example, gold
the true Israel is based firmly upon the Word of God -- jewels covered all over by contiguous cloisons con-
and particularly upon the unconditional promises made taining variously coloured pieces of stone are typical
by Almighty God to the Fathers of Israel; to Abraham, of certain 'Teutonic' invaders of Europe early in the
Isaac and Jacob, concerning their descendants in these First Millennium A.D., the best known examples of
Latter Days of the Christian dispensation. This basic whom are the Saxons of South-Eastern England. The
theme is completed in countless Christ-confirmed same people made use of the technique of gold granu-
prophecies, throughout the Scriptures. Indeed, no lation, a peculiar technique utilized by the classical
other basis is required for this tremendous Israel Greeks and widely by the Etruscans, a people sup-
Truth. There is, of course, abundant evidence from posed to have originated in Anatolia or perhaps Cauca-
other Scriptural sources and from secular evidence sia. There is a remarkable link between the Saxons and
which support and confirm that the English-speaking the Etruscans provided by the fact that not only did
and kindred peoples are descended from God's Servant both manufacture gold jewelry with similar techniques
people -- Israel of old. but also both adorned their plain polished grey pots
with the impressions of engraved seals while the clay
Many historians, from the period of Bede to the nine- was still soft."
teenth century were interested in the origins of our
Celto-Saxon peoples. Their conclusions confirm that On page 69 we read:
the tribes and clans who colonized the British Isles --
Scripture's Isles of the West -- came from the lands "At the time of the Mediterranean Middle Bronze Age
where the gentilized Israelites sojourned during their (2000-1600 B.C.) certain distinctive elements ap-
journeyings to God's "Appointed Place." Twentieth peared in ceramics made within the Aegean World.
century historians, however, are strangely lacking in They consist of a group of motifs, and an ornamental
any interest concerning the origins of these related principle. The motifs are:
peoples, being content to commence their histories
with their arrival in Britain. Presumably, they could 1/. The Spiral Pattern.
not possibly have any worthwhile history prior to this. 2/. The drawing of a human face, shown full and with-
There is absolutely no excuse for this unpardonable out body of limbs.
omission, particularly in view of the positive knowl- 3/. A line which swells and contracts in thickness
edge that the archaeologist is continually disproving along its length.
the hoary myth that the first arrivals -- the ancient 4/. An object of a more or less pear-shaped form.
Britons -- were simple savages "until the Romans civi- 5/. The Palmette.
lized them." This grievous error surely dies hard.
6/. A large roundel, within which motifs may be
One example of the many works by modern scholars
whose studies lend support to our case (although they "The ornamental principle is that of asymmetry. This is
themselves are not in any way allied to our beliefs) is to be seen principally in the light-on-dark ornamental
Early Mediterranean Migrations by T. Burton- ceramics. All these things occur in the decoration of
Brown; published in 1959 by the University of Man- such objects as pottery vessels, metal objects and
chester. In his position as Assistant Keeper at the carvings in stone produced by Celtic people of La
Manchester Museum, this scholar studied a collection Tene days and later and at the time when the Saxons
of pottery, discovered in Kahun in Lower Egypt, by Sir were flourishing in central and western Europe. They
Flinders Petrie and now housed in the Museum. In his seem to have been do commonly used in those days as
studies he discerned clear affinities with the art and to appear characteristically Celtic. Like Celtic
skills of peoples whom we know to be of Israelite