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Finally, if you truly love those young souls whom Christ also loved and for whom He died,
will you be a Berean, carefully checking these things in the light of Scripture -- for their sake
(Acts 20:28)?
The Rainbow of Invasion Morning: A sign in
the Heavens
W. B. Grant
Since the days of Noah the rainbow has been a sign in crowding in on the beaches, gun-flashes and bomb-
remembrance of God's judgment upon the wicked and bursts all along the coast and fleets of aircraft flying
His promise of future mercy. It is therefore of interest
that features of the shoulder flash worn by officers and over to cover the ground forces. Coming at the precise
personnel attached to Supreme Headquarters Allied moment when it did, the rainbow of Invasion Morn
Expeditionary Force in 1944 were a rainbow and a might rank with the Angels of Mons of the First World
sword. This badge was described by The Sunday Times War..."
This sign in the heavens at such a time was surely a
"The shield-shaped cloth patch with a black back- confirmation that the Almighty's blessing rested upon
ground, representing the darkness of Nazi oppression, the cause of "setting the captives free," to which the
bears the Crusader's sword of liberation with the red Anglo-Saxon people, as partners in this Great Crusade,
flames of avenging justice leaping from its hilt. Above were committed. It also serves as a most pointed re-
the sword is a rainbow, emblematic of hope, containing minder that, because of their Redeemer, God has
all the colours of which Allied flags are composed." promised that He will establish His people in right-
eousness and peace and that He has given assurance
that no weapon, secret or otherwise, shall prosper
In a most singular manner, the rainbow was further as-
sociated with the Invasion Forces when on D-Day, as against them:
the combined British and United States Army of Lib-
eration landed on the beaches of Normandy, a magnifi- "In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt
cent bow was arched over the battle area. The be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and
following account of the phenomenon was given in from terror; for it shalt not come near thee...No
The Sphere on 26th June, 1944: weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and
every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment
thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants
"Lately there has been talk in some parts of the country
about signs in the sky. The one depicted by our artist in of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the
this drawing was witnessed over the invasion area at Lord:" (Isaiah 54:14, 17).
dawn on D-Day. The rainbow spread right across the
combat zone in brilliant colours, only fading from God did indeed answer the prayers which were offered
sight after thousands of our men had seen it and been up to Him, prospering and preserving the Invasion
heartened by its appearance at the outset of the Great Armies. But how terrible to behold the D-Day celebra-
Adventure. One aeroplane crew reported that they had tions of 1984 and 1994, which failed to give the true
flown through the middle of it whilst carrying out a glory to God and Jesus Christ for that preservation and
bombing mission over the beaches. It stood out as eventual victory.
plain as could be. 'I watched it for quite a while,' said
the aircraft's turret gunner. Below him at the moment
was the whole panorama of the Invasion, with vessels