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Some people will tell you (including William F. Dankenbring) that we must count, not from
the crucifixion as the Bible says, but from the setting of the watch over the tomb, which occurred
the day after the death and burial of Jesus -- see Matthew 27:62. This is patent nonsense! Why?
Because even this interpretation of scripture is a count -- in Hebrew idiom -- of FOUR DAYS and
not three days to that walk along the road to Emmaus.
Consequently, Christ was not "cut off" in the midst of the week, and we need to look for a
better understanding of Daniel 9:27.
The Passover Seder
The fact that Jesus was the Passover Lamb can resolve another controversy in the Churches
of God. While The Jews keep the Passover at THE END of the 14th of Nisan (killed at the end of
the 14th but eaten after sundown and therefore the 15th of Nisan), there are some groups who claim
that the Passover was originally kept after sundown as the 14th BEGINS -- at the time of the so-
called "Last Supper." Are the Jews keeping the Passover Seder on the wrong day? Was the Passo-
ver Lamb killed at the beginning or at the end of the 14th of Nisan?
The answer to these questions is very simple! God commanded the Israelites to kill the
Passover lamb "at EVEN on the 14th day of Nisan" (Exodus 12:6). "At even," or "twilight" as
some versions of the Bible state, is from the Hebrew "ben-ha-arbayim" -- meaning "between the
two evenings." To determine the correct meaning of the term "ben-ha-arbayim" ("between the two
evenings") all we have to do is look to the "Final and Perfect Passover Lamb" Jesus Christ, and
ask the question: When was this "Passover Lamb" killed? Jesus died at about 3:00 p.m. on the af-
ternoon of the 14th day of Nisan -- at exactly the SAME TIME as the first Passover lamb was
killed in the Temple precincts. Therefore, the correct interpretation of "ben-ha-arbayim" ("be-
tween the two evenings") is the time that our Savior died. Anything else is sheer nonsense and
claptrap and is, in fact, a denial that Jesus Christ is the Passover.
The Passover Lamb was killed on the afternoon of the 14th of Nisan, and the Passover
meal was actually eaten AFTER SUNDOWN on the 15th of Nisan. I do not understand how anyone
can come to any other conclusion!
To claim that Jesus did not die at the EXACT TIME God said to kill the Passover lamb has
the effect of proving that He was not the Passover. BUT JESUS CHRIST WAS THE PASSOVER!!
Therefore, the Jews have NOT made an error in keeping the Passover Seder on the 15th of Nisan.
(Whether they correctly determine and observe the new moons which begin the months, is another
The Wavesheaf Offering
1 Corinthians 15:23 indicates that Jesus Christ was also the Wavesheaf Offering. This
knowledge can solve two more controversies within the Churches of God:
1) The TIME of the resurrection, and