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Where Did Christmas Come From?
The festivals of Rome are innumerable; but one
of the most important may be singled out for in-
vestigation -- Christmas. How is it that this fes-
tival was connected with December 25th?
There is no word in the Bible about the precise
day of Yeshua's birth. What is recorded in the
Scriptures clearly implies that whenever his
birth was, it could not have been on December
Indeed, it is admitted by most scholars that the
day of Yeshua's birth cannot be determined, and
that within the New Testament Church of YE-
HOVAH no such festival was ever heard of un-
til the third century when the influence of the
Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of Roman Catholic Church overtook nominal
YEHOVAH) Christians. In fact, it was not until the latter part
The Berean Voice Magazine of the fourth century that Christmas gained wide
P.O. Box 6772 acceptance.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.
How, then, did the Roman Catholic Church fix
Website (West Coast): on December 25th as Christmas day? Long be- fore the fourth century -- and long before the
Website (East Coast): Christian era itself -- a festival was celebrated among the heathen -- at that precise time of the
year. This celebration was in honor of the birth
E-mail: of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven,
and in order to conciliate the heathen and swell
Editor and Director: John D. Keyser the ranks of the nominal adherents of Christian-
ity, this heathen festival was adopted by the
Contributing Writers Catholic Church -- giving it only the name of
Jonathan David Brown Christ.
James D. Tabor
Ernest Martin Upright men tried to stem the tide, but in spite of
their efforts the apostacy went on until the
Technical Advisor: David Hinkley Church, with the exception of a small remnant,
was submerged under this pagan superstition.
That Christmas was originally a pagan custom,
Hope of Israel Ministries -- is beyond all doubt. YEHOVAH God warns us
Preparing the Way for the in the Bible not to observe the festivals of the
heathen -- will you obey Him?
Return of YEHOVAH God
and His Messiah! -- John D. Keyser