Page 46 - BV6
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"Rejoice, O Gentiles [Israelites] His people; for HE WILL AVENGE THE BLOOD OF
HIS SERVANTS, and render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for
His land and His people" (Deuteronomy 32:39-43).
The Eternal, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will cause our nations to see that He is
the ONE TRUE GOD and that there is NO OTHER! It is He who sends destruction and kills, yet
also has the POWER to make people live -- the power to RESURRECT them from their graves.
Today, the modern "Christians'" idea of their God is such that He would never do the things de-
scribed here in the SONG OF MOSES. It is very obvious they have a DIFFERENT GOD from the
one who gave this song to our forefather.
YEHOVAH God swore by Himself that when He renders judgment, it will be CARRIED
judgment upon His people. When they finally repent and the remnant of our nations turn to Him,
then He will POUR OUT His vengeance upon His enemies. It will be a time of great world-wide
DESTRUCTION AND SLAUGHTER of many millions of people. His wrath will be poured out
upon the enemies of our people. He will avenge the blood of HIS SERVANTS (Christians who go
through the Great Tribulation); He will render vengeance to His adversaries. The land of Israel
will be PURGED and His people will RETURN again to a PROMISED LAND that will be
MADE READY to blossom and bear fruit for His covenant people.
The same day that Moses passed this song on to the Israelites, YEHOVAH called him to
view the Promised Land that they were about to enter (Deuteronomy 32:48). When Moses finished
the song, he blessed the various tribes; went up to the top of Mt. Pisgah; viewed the land he had
struggled toward for forty long years, then lay down and died.
The SONG OF MOSES gives a generalized plan or outline of YEHOVAH's judgment on
OUR NATIONS TODAY -- those descended from Israel -- in these latter days. It is interesting to
note that He also gave Moses a detailed plan as recorded in Leviticus 26. Here YEHOVAH gives
a step-by-step sequence of THE SAME EVENTS which are outlined in the Song of Moses.
It behooves us then, the PEOPLE OF GOD -- THE CALLED OUT ONES -- to get down on
our knees before our Eternal God, and pray that we may be found worthy to escape these calami-
ties that are about to EXPLODE upon the face of the earth. We must QUIT PLAYING GAMES
WITH GOD and return to the faith once delivered to the Saints (Jude 3). When new truth is re-
vealed to us by the mercy of our great God, we should ACT upon it and make it a part of our daily
lives. We must come out of Babylon and return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Our very
lives depend upon it!!
"Great and marvellous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways,
King of the ages...For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, FOR