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short distance away, however, her father's ossuary was by a number of qualified archaeologists, bear direct
discovered. It was marked with four crosses and bore witness to the Savior.
the inscription, "SHI'MON BAR-SABBA", which is
transliterated, "Simon Barsabbas". First, the name of "Jesus" ("Yeshua" in Hebrew or
"Iesos" in Greek) appeared several times. The most in-
It is important to note that we first learn of the Barsab- teresting inscription spelled out Christ's full name:
bas family in the Book of Acts, chapter one. There, just "L'Y'SH'U'A B'N Y'S'F", which means "To Jesus, son of
before the Disciples chose a replacement for Judas Is- Joseph," a dedication. Then, the word "A'L'T" (pro-
cariot, Peter introduces Joseph Barsabbas as one of nounced "alot") which inscribed immediately following
those who actively followed Jesus from the very be- the name of Jesus. These words were etched on a Dis-
ginning and all throughout Jesus' ministry in the Gali- ciple's coffin, and following the name of Jesus, they
lee and Jerusalem: "Therefore it is necessary to are undoubtedly a direct reference to Christ's
choose one of the Ascension into hea-
men who have been ven.
with us the whole
time the Lord Jesus
went in and out
among us, beginning
from John's baptism
to the time when Je- A picture (taken
sus was taken up from from the en-
us." (Acts 1:21&22, trance) of the
NIV) first chamber of
the Barsabbas
Then, Joseph Barsab-
bas was nominated, family catacomb
along with Matthias, (left).
to fill the vacancy left
by Judas: "So they
proposed two men:
Joseph called Barsab-
bas (also known as
Justus) and Matthias." (Acts 1:23, NIV) Although "Adding to the impact of these fascinating discoveries
Matthias was finally chosen, Joseph Barsabbas was one is the fact that both the historical evidence, and the
step away from becoming a member of the council of proof provided by various items discovered in the cata-
the twelve.
comb itself, show that the tomb was sealed not later
than the year 42 A.D.(C.E.)," says Pr of. Mazar. For ex-
The Barsabbas family appears again when Judah, (sur- ample, the tomb contained pottery from the time of
named) Barsabbas, who was apparently a brother of Jo- Herod and a coin minted by King Agrippa I, in the year
seph, is described in Acts 15:22 as one of the, "leaders 41 A.D. (C.E.), but no pottery or coins of a later origin
among the brothers". He and Silas were chosen to ac- were found.
company Paul and Barnabas to Antioch. It is quite evi-
dent from Scripture that members of the Barsabbas
family were not only Disciples of Jesus Christ but "If Jesus' crucifixion took place in the year 31 or 32
were also Apostles among the leaders of the first A.D. (C.E.) as is widely believed," says Mazar, "then
this tomb was last used only ten years after Calvary.
Christian Church in Jerusalem.
What is even more significant is the fact that 42 A.D.
(C.E.) is at least a decade before any part of the New
As archaeologists continued their excavation of the Testament was written."
tomb, another surprise was revealed. Several com-
memorative dedications were found on the stone cof-
fins. These inscriptions, which were read and verified The coffins in a family tomb of Christians which was
sealed in 42 A.D. (C.E.) for all time, give silent,