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P. 88

                                        Violating the Second Commandment?

                       In the light of these facts, we should ask ourselves if we are violating God's command-
               ments. Do we have pictures of this false Christ -- the representation of pagan gods -- in our homes,
               in our Bibles?

                       If we do have, we should do as God commanded the ancient Israelites in Numbers 33:52.
               "Destroy all their [the heathen's] PICTURES, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck
               down all their high places." Yes, so let each of us rid himself of any form of idolatry -- including
               this form of violating the second commandment. And, let us be about our Father's business, by al-
               ways being in obedience to His commandments (I John 2:3, 4).

                         The Scourge of Sodom                  We know well that many who call themselves
                                                               Christians do not now have much regard for the
                                                               Divine directives recited in the Old Testament, on
                This magazine would not normally be joining the  this or any other matter. But if their claims to be
                media in providing space for the purpose of dis-  Christ's followers are to bear any credence what-
                cussing the nauseating shame of homosexuality.  soever they are bound to acknowledge the author-
                But we are driven to expostulation by the laissez-  ity of Christ's very own apostles.
                faire attitude of Christian communities who so
                casually stand aside and by their silence and inac-  Paul's comments are trenchant enough. He calls a
                tion give near-approval. We are faced by the foul-  spade a spade. Speaking scathingly of the sodo-
                est wave of sub-animal beastliness since the   mites of Abraham's day he said: "For this cause,
                scourge of Sodom ended in the destruction of a de-  God gave them up to their vile affections...Even
                generate community among whom not even a bare  their women did change the natural use into that
                handful of non-perverts could be found.        which was against nature...Likewise also the men,
                                                               leaving the natural use of the women, burned in
                But even more demoralising for the soul of our na-  their lust, one towards another; men with men
                tion than the tardiness of the churches to denounce  working that which is unseemly and receiving in
                this moral pestilence is the apparent glossing by  themselves that recompense of their error which
                religious dignitaries of those guilty of this degra-  was meet."
                dation. There are many instances of self-declared
                association on the part of "men of the cloth."  If hierarchies will not take action of themselves, it
                                                               must be the task of ministers of God to urge them
                But worse -- even far worse -- has transpired.  forward; for this uncleanness, self-imposed by
                Many church groups have recommended that prac-  man, not only defiles both personal and national
                tising ministers who are homosexuals shall be al-  character; it can be the means of transmitting un-
                lowed to remain in office at the discretion of their  speakable disease to those who practise it. Medi-
                leaders and that the "Church" should recognize it  cal research is revealing that obscure ailments, of
                as justified homosexual relationships "involving  great virulence, can be thus communicated.
                the expression of sexual love."
                                                               Of this, Christians can be certain. There will be no
                We ask if the "Churches of God" are so satisfied  response to prayers for Divine relief from the per-
                with their attitude to this crime against YEHO-  ils which are threatening our land and nation until
                VAH and man that they are not prepared to stand  those who claim to be followers of Christ leave
                up and condemn it? Will they soon be prepared  their "broadminded" hidey holes, vigorously to
                also to regard man's ultimate shame of incest as a  indict and, by the power of God, finally to extin-
                mere human aberration? Has the Biblical injunc-  guish the putrefacation of human body and soul
                tion that our bodies are the very temple of the holy  which has come down from the Hell that was
                spirit of YEHOVAH ceased to have any meaning?  Canaan.

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