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YEHOVAH will indeed be the Savior of the world (the world to come) through His people
Israel. Notice in Luke 12:32 that it is the Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom to the "little
flock." The words "flock" or "sheep" are always biblically used to represent YEHOVAH's chosen
people Israel. YEHOVAH will give the kingdom to those Israelites that have qualified themselves
in this life to rule in the world to come -- the wonderful world tomorrow! They will restore the
world the way YEHOVAH intended it to be, and other nations and other people will experience
their kind of salvation. We should not forget, however, that YEHOVAH also intended to bless all
nations through Abraham's seed (true Israel) during THIS PRESENT AGE. Understand this! The
covenant made with Abraham and his seed is not some spiritual "feeling" or some promise that
YEHOVAH "conveniently" forgot about, but is reflected in the prosperity and power of the modern
"Gentile" nations of Israel -- the nations of the U.S., Great Britain, north-western Europe and the
far-flung colonies! These are the New Testament "Gentiles" of Israel!
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