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The New Testament Gentiles
and the House of Israel
Most people believe that the Gentiles are the "non-Jewish" peo-
ple of the world -- is this true? It is also accepted by our
"spiritually-enlightened" Christian world that what is left of the
Israelites of old are now the people known as "Jews." Is this
also correct? We live in a deceived world and most practicing
"Christians" simply do not care who the Gentiles really are.
However, this subject is vitally important because it is directly
linked to the death and sacrifice of Yeshua!
The subject of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and the realization of the true identity of the
"Gentiles," is a fascinating and challenging study. Without a doubt, this is probably the most
misunderstood subject of the Bible by the modern-day so-called Christian churches. This article
will explain what became of the Israelites that were taken captive under the Old Covenant -- and if
they truly became "lost." Also, in parallel with this, we will reveal a completely different explana-
tion of WHO the Gentiles are -- an explanation that is quite different to what the churches of today
teach and preach.
The goal of this article is to allow the BIBLE -- YEHOVAH's Word -- explain and expose
the stunning TRUTH concerning this very important subject. The Bible must be the final authority
in answering the important question of WHO the Gentiles are. Who are these people that are men-
tioned so many times in the Word of YEHOVAH? What does the word "Gentiles" really mean?
Most of us, in the churches we attended over the years, were taught that these people -- the
Gentiles -- were "non-Jewish" -- whatever that means. Also, it is almost totally accepted by our
"spiritually-enlightened" Christian world that what is left of the Israelites of old are now the peo-
ple known as "Jews." We were told that since the death of Yeshua (Christ), the believing "Gen-
tiles" automatically have salvation and the blessings of YEHOVAH. This "reasoning" goes
something like this: It's good that the Jews rejected Christ, otherwise the Gentiles would not have a
chance for salvation. Expanding on this, we were told that anyone who is a "non-Jew" can be
"adopted" into the family of YEHOVAH. By inference, we were also told that these "non-Jews"
or "Gentiles" could become "spiritual Israelites" or the "spiritual seed of Abraham." However,
most of us never questioned these theories, or the fact that these phrases are nowhere to be found in
the Bible! We blindly accepted these theories as being valid and truthful -- not realizing that our
"learned" ministers and Bible "authorities" could be wrong!
This article will address these theories and explain the reason for the Biblical use of the
word "Jew(s)." We will delve into the word "adoption" and show how this word is interpreted in