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(verse 8). This "little horn" would make war against the saints (verse 21) and would think to
change times and laws (verse 25). Altogether there are EIGHT things that we should notice con-
cerning the little horn:
1/. The little horn was to be A ROMAN POWER. A horn on a beast is that which grows
out of a beast. Since we already know that the fourth beast was Roman, so also must the horn be
Roman! Does the Papacy fit this description? Without a doubt! The Papacy rose to power at the
time and place indicated by Bible prophecy. No one in their right mind can question the fact that
the Papacy is Roman. Its very seat is in Rome. Its very name is Roman Catholic -- an amazing
point of identification even in our time!
2/. The little horn was to be revealed in power among the TEN KINGDOMS into which
the Roman Empire was divided. We have seen that Rome was indeed divided into ten kingdoms.
The Papacy did indeed rise to power among these ten kingdoms -- following the fall of Rome.
3/. The little horn was to pluck up three of the other horns, the interpretation being that "he
shall subdue three kings [kingdoms]" (Daniel 7:24). Did the Papacy subdue three of these ten king-
doms? Notice what Eliott says: "I might cite three that were eradicated from before the Pope out of
the list first given, viz., the Heruli under Odacer, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths" (op. cit., Vol. 3,
p. 139). History records that the Heruli were overthrown in 493, the Vandals in 534, and the Os-
trogoths in 553.
4/. The little horn would rise up among the ten horns (kingdoms), but would be "diverse"
or "different." Has the Papacy been a kingdom that has been different from other kingdoms that
rose up out of the fourth beast? Yes -- without a doubt. Other kingdoms have claimed temporal
power, but the Papacy claimed spiritual power as well. THE PAPACY IS THE ONLY GOV-
claimed its diversity is as the sun compared to the moon. H. Grattan Guinness said it well:
Is not the Papacy sufficiently diverse from all the rest of the kingdoms of western Europe to
identify it as the little horn? What other ruling monarch of Christendom ever pretended to
apostolic authority, or ruled men in the name of God? Does the Pope dress in royal robes?
Nay, but in priestly garments. Does he wear a crown? Nay, but a triple tiara, to show that
he reigns in heaven, earth, and hell! Does he wield a scepter? Nay, but a crosier or crook,
to show that he is the good shepherd of the Church. Do his subjects kiss his hand? Nay,
but his toe! Verily this power is 'diverse' from the rest, both in great things and little. It is
small in size, gigantic in its pretensions (op. cit., p. 28).
5/. The little horn was pictured with a MOUTH -- "a mouth that spoke very great things"
and "great words against the most High" (Daniel 7:20, 25). This suggests PRIDE AND ARRO-
GANCE. By teaching corrupt doctrines, the Catholic Church has spoken AGAINST Yehovah. It
should be carefully noted that the prophecy tells what this little horn would do, not what he would
profess to do. He professes to speak the words of Yehovah, to define the doctrines of Yehovah;
but in reality he speaks things that are totally unscriptural and -- in some cases -- even totally op-
posite to scripture.