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               9/.  Daniel 3:25. Those who try to deceive you will more than likely use Daniel 3:25 to "prove"
               that the son of God was pre-existent. Don't fall for it! This scripture, in the King James Version,
               reads as follows --

                       He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they
                       have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

                       The first thing you should realize is the fact that there are many sources out there that know
               this verse has been mistranslated -- Clarke's Commentary is one of them --

                       Verse 25. Is like the Son of God.] A most improper translation. What notion could this
                       idolatrous king have of the Lord Jesus Christ? for so the place [verse] understood by
                       .... bar elahin signifies a son of the gods, that is, a Divine person or angel; and so the king
                       calls him in verse 28: "God hath sent his ANGEL, and delivered his servants." And though
                       even from this some still contend that it was the Angel of the covenant, yet the Babylonish
                       king knew just as much of the one as he did of the other. No other ministration was neces-
                       sary; a single angel from heaven was quite sufficient to answer this purpose, as that which
                       stopped the mouths of the lions when Daniel was cast into their den.

                       It is quite amazing that there are people who say this fourth person was Yeshua. They, of
               course, are trying to deceive you into thinking that Yeshua was alive at the time. But even a cursory
               examination of this verse indicates that there is absolutely NOTHING here that names Yeshua or
               says that he pre-existed!

                       Now, let us notice WHAT was said -- and by WHOM. The statement made in Daniel 3:25
               was spoken by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon -- just as Daniel 3:24 clearly states. Nebu-
               chadnezzar was a pagan who had just made an image of himself and had commanded all in his
               kingdom to worship it. He then cast Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego into the furnace because
               they refused to worship this image -- they would worship YEHOVAH only.

                       It was this same Nebuchadnezzar who made this statement in Daniel 3:25: "...the fourth
               looks like the son of the gods." Are we to suppose, then, that this pagan king who was trying to kill
               the servants of YEHOVAH, said: "...the fourth looks like Yeshua, the Son of YEHOVAH"? This is
               EXACTLY what the deceivers would like you to believe!

                       YEHOVAH has many angels, and he does send them to help us at times -- like the ones
               YEHOVAH sent to help Lot and Abraham. The Bible also shows that many times these angels
               have the appearance of HUMAN BEINGS -- and this is exactly how King Nebuchadnezzar de-
               scribed the fourth man in Daniel 3:25. He did NOT say: "...I see Yeshua...". Neither did he say:
               "...I see the Son of YEHOVAH...".

                       Do not allow anyone to deceive you about this!!

               10/.  Proverbs 30:4. This verse -- in the King James Version -- reads:

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