Page 20 - Hope of Israel Ministries List of Articles
P. 20

Foot-Washing and YEHOVAH’s Ecclesia!

                   From Sabbath to Saturday: The Story of the Jewish Rest Day

                   Further Evidence Disproves Continuous Weekly Cycle – True 7 -Day Sabbath
                   Not Found On Saturday!

                   Have We Been Neglecting the Sacred Fellowship Meal?

                   Have We Been Observing the Sabbath At the Wrong Time All These Years?

                   Mysteries of Babylon and Pagan Sabbaths

                   Neither Saturday Nor Sunday…The Sabbath Day is Wrong!

                   Nimrod’s Tabernacle of Saturn

                   No Night On the Sabbath Day!

                   “Of Course We Changed the Calendar. That’s Our Sign of Authority!”

                   Philo the Jew and the Lunar Sabbath

                   Sabbath Truth Postponed

                   Saturday in Scripture

                   Saturday Sabbath? Or Lunar Sabbath?

                   Saturn and the Sacred Hebdomad

                   Should We Keep BOTH Passover and “the Lord’s Supper”?

                   The Burning Question: The Sabbath – When Does It Occur?

                   The First Holy Thing

                   The Hidden God

                   The Hiding of the Lunar Sabbath

                   The Hours of the Sabbath: From Even to Even

                   The Land of Dabar: Land of Promise

                   The LAND Sabbath – A Commandment for Today?

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