Page 4 - Hope of Israel Ministries List of Articles
P. 4

not come through gradual human agency, but by the restoration of all Israel
                   followed by the decisive, overwhelming intervention of YEHOVAH God in history,
                   the "great and terrible Day of YEHOVAH," spoken of by all the Prophets (Isaiah
                   2:2-4; 11; 24; 66; Zechariah 14:1-9; Daniel 2:44; 7:27).

                   4.  The people of Israel (all 12 tribes), descendants of  Abraham through
                   Isaac and  Jacob, have an eternal covenant  with YEHOVAH  God that  will
                   never be revoked.  Regardless of all sins  and failures, they are the CHOSEN
                   NATION, the priestly kingdom, the SERVANT of YEHOVAH whom He has
                   vowed to use to bring the light of His Truth to the whole world. Because of this
                   great mission, and YEHOVAH's faithfulness and covenant love toward Abraham,
                   they remain beloved in His sight  --  the "apple of His eye."  Though scattered
                   through the nations, the complete and full restoration of all twelve tribes to the
                   Promised Land is the SURE theme of all the Prophets. Joseph will draw near to
                   Judah and the envy between them will  depart. This regathering of Israel,
                   including the return of the "Lost Tribes," is the KEY prophetic sign of the Last
                   Days -- signaling the impending judgment of YEHOVAH God on His people Israel
                   and the arrival of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God (Exodus 19:5-6; Deuteronomy
                   4:27-31; Jeremiah 31:27-40; Ezekiel 36-37).

                   5. The Holy Scriptures are made up of the 22 books of the Hebrew Bible: the
                   Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings (TANAKH). The Hebrew and Aramaic texts
                   of these books  make up the inspired,  unique,  fundamental revelation  of
                   YEHOVAH God to  His people Israel.  They have no equal in authority and
                   power; they are FULLY SUFFICIENT for  all matters of faith and doctrine.
                   The documents of the New Testament -- as well as the Mishnah, Talmuds, and
                   Midrashim -- should ALWAYS be viewed IN THE LIGHT of these Holy Scriptures
                   (Deuteronomy 4:4; 12:32; Psalm 1:2; 19:7-11; 119:89, 142, 160; Isaiah 8:16-22;
                   Malachi 4:4-6).

                   6. The WAY of YEHOVAH God for His people Israel, as revealed in the first
                   five books  of the Old Testament (Torah) and amplified in the Prophets  and
                   Writings, is an ETERNAL LAW -- NEVER to be altered. It is chiefly summed up
                   in the TEN COMMANDMENTS (Words) spoken to all Israel at Sinai, but is known
                   and illustrated by precept, example, principle and admonition, throughout the Old
                   Testament. That  Way  is essentially one and UNCHANGING, and though
                   revealed to and through Israel, is ultimately  applicable FOR ALL NATIONS  --
                   bringing peace, justice, love, truth and righteousness to the world (Psalm 119:89,
                   142, 160; Isaiah 2:2-4).

                   7. Salvation is an individual matter for Israelites ONLY, involving personal
                   faith in the One God -- YEHOVAH. Such a conversion involves a total surrender

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