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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 2
These statements or descriptions just do time, according to the Bible record, changed
not appear as part of your Bible record! Jacob’s name to ISRAEL. The twelve sons of
Jacob-Israel were the first Israelites! Notice
In fact; the first time the plural term carefully they were not “Jews” (Judahites)!
“JEWS” (the actual translation from the Hebrew Nevertheless, the religious world -- despite these
should be “JUDAHITES,” indicating the people completely obvious facts -- still tenaciously holds
of the Southern Kingdom of JUDAH) is used is to this assumption and goes on calling Abraham,
in 2 Kings 16:6, where Syria, an ally of ISRAEL, Isaac, Jacob -- Israel and Jacob’s sons “Jew.” But,
interestingly, is at war with “the JEWS.” the Bible NEVER does!
The singular term “JEW” is
not used before this time! In reality,
it does not appear until about a
century or more after the use of the
plural term. In fact, in Esther 2:5,
where we read: “Now in Shushan,
the palace, there was a certain JEW
whose name was Mordecai...a
BENJAMITE.” Here the Hebrew
of the term “JEW” again implies a
JUDAHITE, this time from the
tribe of Benjamin, which tribe,
along with Judah, formed the
Nation of the Jews (or the southern
kingdom) after the Kingdom split
into two parts, the northern
kingdom being the Nation of Israel. Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac. Genesis 22:11-13.
So, you see, the term I offer one final point to bring the name
“JEW,” in its true Bible sense -- and not the “Jew” into proper focus. This term, i.e., “JEW,”
almost universal use of the term today -- was linguistically is derived from the Hebrew word
never used until centuries after the death of “YEHU-DAH” or JUDAH, one of Jacob’s
Abraham. TWELVE sons. Notice the similarity in the
English pronunciation of “JEW” and the first
Now, I ask you, is some of this Bible syllable of the name JUDAH, namely “JU.” This
Truth beginning to come clear? Can you see that answers question number Three, that is,
what the Bible says about this subject is not what “Abraham was not a ‘Jew.’”
man has traditionally believed and taught about
it? And we must recognize that with the
Worthwhile Books to Read:
understanding of Bible truth goes also the
responsibility and challenge of acknowledging,
The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween, by
accepting, and acting upon this truth!
Jean Markale.
So, remember, ABRAHAM was a
The Two Babylons, by Alexander
HEBREW, as were Isaac and Jacob -- ALL
The Correct Meaning of Names