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Lesson 2 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
terms were primarily GEOGRAPHICAL in the Greek word Galilaios (Strong’s #1057),
nature. Evidently, the terms were carried over meaning “belonging to Galilee.” The word
into the Babylonian captivity and also used “Samaritan” is translated from the Greek word
AFTER the remnant returned to rebuild the Samareites (#4541), meaning “inhabitant of
Temple at Jerusalem. The terms “Judea” (Judah) Samaria.” BOTH terms are GEOGRAPHICAL
and “Judean” (Judahite) were also commonly in nature. In like manner, the word “Jew”
used during New Testament times as we will SHOULD HAVE been translated “Judean”
soon see. since it refers to an INHABITANT OF JUDEA.
After the split of the nation of Israel, the 1. Read Matthew 4:12-22. Where was
NORTHERN KINGDOM of Israel occupied the Peter living at the time Yeshua selected him as a
area known as “Samaria” and had the city of disciple?
Samaria as its capital. The SOUTHERN 2. What was Peter called in Mark 14:70
KINGDOM of Judah occupied the area known and Luke 22:59?
as “Judea” and had the city of Jerusalem as its 3. Read Acts 2. At the day of Pentecost,
capital. The terms “Samaritan” (Israelite) and what were the disciples called (verse 7)?
“Judean” (Judahite) were terms used to refer to 4. In verse 14, what did Peter call these
the inhabitants of these two areas. men who were mocking the disciples?
We shall now turn our attention to the COMMENT: The word “Judea” is
use of the word “Jew(s)” as found in the New CORRECTLY translated from the Greek word
Testament. Ioudaios, Strong’s #2453, and means
“Judeans.” However, in verse 5 and most other
New Testament Usage: places the translators INCORRECTLY
TRANSLATED this same Greek word as
In the New Testament the word “Jew(s)” “Jews.”
is translated from the Greek word Ioudaios 5. Read John 4:3-42. What three
(#2453 in Strong’s Concordance), meaning districts or provinces are mentioned in verses
“Judean, i.e. Belonging to Jehudah.” It comes 3-4?
from the Greek word Iouda (Strong’s #2448), 6. The woman at Jacob’s well was a
meaning “Judah” which originates from the resident of which district or province (verse 7)?
Hebrew word Yehuwdah (Strong’s #3063), 7. In verses 9, 39 and 40, what term was
meaning “Jehudah (or Judah)” as discussed applied to this woman and the people of her city?
earlier. 8. The last part of verse 9 describes the
Webster’s New Twentieth Century relationship between the people of two areas or
Dictionary tells us that the word “Jew” comes districts: the people of Samaria (Samaritans) and
from the Greek words Ioudaios, meaning “an people the translators INCORRECTLY called
inhabitant of Judea” and Ioudaia, meaning “Jews.” Who do you suppose these people were
“Judea.” and where did they reside?
COMMENT: This Greek word COMMENT: We have already seen that
Ioudaios appears to be a GEOGRAPHICAL in Old Testament times the land of Judah was
term indicating area of residence (the area also known as Judea. In the New Testament the
known as “Judea”). Thus, those residing within word “Judea” is translated from the Greek word
Judea were known as “Judeans;” in the same Ioudaia (Strong’s #2449), meaning “the Judean
manner those from Galilee were called land” which comes from the Greek word
“Galileans,” residents of Samaria were Ioudaios (#2453) as defined above. Residents of
“Samaritans,” etc. this area would logically be called “Judeans,”
The word “Galilean” is translated from and this is the word the translators SHOULD
The Correct Meaning of Names