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Lesson 2 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 5
family record with Shem’s descendants “Semite,” “Semitic” or “Semitism.” The
identified in verses 21-31. ERRONEOUS implication is that these terms
COMMENT: Notice in verse 21 that EQUATE to “a Jew” or “the Jews” at the
Shem is called “the father of all the children of EXCLUSION of some or all of the other TRUE
Eber.” Verse 24 verifies that Eber was a direct Semitic peoples. (Later in this lesson we will
descendant of Shem. We have already examine the term “Jew in more detail).
established the fact that Eber was the progenitor
of the Hebrews. This proves that all Hebrews Jew
were Semites along with the rest of Shem’s
descendants. Now that we have a clear understanding
Biblical and other historical evidence of the terms “Hebrew,” “Israelite” and “Semite”
indicates that Shem was thus the progenitor of we can proceed to yet another term which has
the Semitic peoples: the Phoenicians, the caused untold confusion within Christendom
Assyrians, the early Chaldeans, the and led to misunderstanding of Scripture. That
Babylonians, the Hebrews, the Arabs and the term is “Jew.”
Israelites among others. All these peoples share It means different things to different
a COMMON ANCESTOR in Shem and by people. Some say “Jew” means Hebrew; some
definition are Semites -- contrary to popular say it means Israelite; some say it means Semite.
opinion today! Adam has been called the first Jew as have Cain,
3. Looking in Strong’s Concordance, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, David and
how many times are the words “semite,” others. The word “Jew” has been used as a racial
“semitism” and “anti-semitism” listed? term; other times it has been used for nationality.
4. How many times are these words used Some have defined it as strictly a religious term
in the King James Bible? -- any adherent to the religion of Judaism.
5. Which of the following are, by Logically, all of these definitions and usages
definition, “Semites”: Esau, Noah, Abraham, can’t be right!
Jacob, Shem, Ishmael, Isaac, Adam, Eber?
COMMENT: Based on the definition of Old Testament Usage:
“Semite,” the term “anti-Semitism” SHOULD
logically mean “against, or opposed, to 1. In II Kings 16:6, in the King James
Semites.” Interestingly enough, however, Bible, the first occurrence of the word “Jews” is
modern dictionaries and modern use define this to be found.
term as having or showing prejudice, COMMENT: The word is translated
discrimination or dislike against Jews and from the Hebrew word Yehuwdiy (#3064 in
Jewish things as if THEY ALONE represent the Strong’s Concordance), meaning “a Jehudite
Semites! (More on this later in this lesson). It is a (i.e. Judaite)” or “descendant of Jehudah
FACT that the terms “anti-Semitic” and (Judah).” The Englishman’s Hebrew-Chaldee
“anti-Semitism” do NOT appear in Webster’s Concordance of the Old Testament describes
1828 Dictionary -- apparently this epithet didn’t this word as “men of Judah,” while Gesenius’
exist at that time. Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament
Another interesting FACT is that neither defines it as “one who belonged to the kingdom
the Webster’s 1828 edition nor the 1949 edition of Judah.” Strong’s Concordance indicates that
include the word “Jew” in their definitions. this Hebrew word comes from the word
However, the later New World edition and Yehuwdah (#3063), meaning “Jehudah (or
virtually all recent editions make SPECIFIC Judah).”
mention of the term “Jew” in the definitions of Webster’s New Twentieth Century
The Correct Meaning of Names