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Lesson 20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 27

tend His people be free from this world’s of Tabernacles as carried out TODAY is actually
system? Exodus 10:7 and Exodus 15:1, last a tiny but happy foretaste of the happy World
part. Was the drowning of Pharaoh and his army Tomorrow when the spirit of YEHOVAH God
in the Red Sea a type of the future destruction of will lead EVERY human. We show now by the
the chief instruments of Satan the Devil? way we live together IN HARMONY what this
Revelation 19:20. whole sin-sick, unhappy world COULD and
you that free NOW! Free to meditate on His There are lessons to be learned by
purpose and on how to fulfill it! The Feast of LIVING and WORSHIPING in temporary
Tabernacles is intended to separate and free us tabernacles or booths that simply would not be
from the world. learned any other way. These are days of
Dwelling in booths -- temporary concentrated study of YEHOVAH’s word by the
habitations -- built in our backyards (or possibly whole family and, if possible, days of
some community area) away from our normal continuous genuine Christian fellowship with
surroundings, away from our jobs, our others of like mind. And for some, individual
customary thoughts, influences and personal counsel and PERSONAL instruction from
contacts, we picture by our thoughts and actions YEHOVAH’s true ministers, is available at the
the freedom and peace of the Millennium. Feast.
We get away from the world at this No CONVERTED person should remain
season to typify that we don’t belong in this in his or her home -- except on the advice of a
world’s society any more. true minister of YEHOVAH God. No child of
We MUST keep the Feast of Tabernacles YEHOVAH God has authority to except himself
now to become really separate -- free from the from YEHOVAH’s Feast of Tabernacles!
flesh and its nature then.
Do you want with every fiber of your
Write for the following articles:
being to do something about this rotten world?
To help set it right? To rule with a rod of iron?
The Return of YEHOVAH God and His
Your salvation depends on you! Do you sigh and
cry for the abominations this world has to
YEHOVAH’s Shekinah Glory
YEHOVAH’s people keep the Feast of
Tabernacles with a purpose. They are preparing
Annual Holy Days Reveal Awesome Plan of
now for the job they will have to do during the
Being physical, we learn by that which is
What Do You Mean, “Solemn Feast Day”?
physical. Just as YEHOVAH God -- His
character, His power -- is made evident to us
Answers to Questions in Lesson 19
through the created material universe (Romans
1:19, 20), so we must learn to rule by learning to
1. The tithe. 2. The Assyrian and Babylonian
rightly use the physical things YEHOVAH
captivities. 3. Zerubbabel, Ezra and
gives us.
Nehemiah. 4. tool 5. Excommunication.
By practicing YEHOVAH’s laws and
6. At the front. 7. The ruler of the
experiencing the result (peace, harmony and
synagogue. 8. puppets 9. Yes. 10. Yes.
joy) and of keeping the Feast of Tabernacles in
11. Rome. 12. Number 13. The Babylonian
temporary booths we construct with our own
captivity. 14. On the Temple grounds.
hands, we learn the value of obeying. The Feast

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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