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P. 23

Lesson 20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 23

fate? Verse 9. What then happens to Satan? God has sentenced him -- rendered him
Verse 10. completely DEAD! -- unable to deceive the rest
COMMENT: Notice carefully that the of the dead who are now to be resurrected to
word "ARE" in the King James Version of verse have their first chance to understand
10 is printed in ITALICS. This is to indicate that YEHOVAH's Master Plan.
the translators of 1611 added it to the original,
inspired text in a futile attempt to make the White Throne Judgment
meaning more clear. But because they
themselves didn't understand this verse, they This final day of the Feast of Tabernacles
only succeeded in confusing the already plain -- the final day of celebrating the Harvest and
meaning. Ingathering -- therefore pictures the final stage
Remember that the beast and false of YEHOVAH’s plan of salvation -- the “Last
prophet WERE CAST into the Lake of Fire Great Day,” or the “Great White Throne
(Revelation 19:20) where they were consumed Judgment”! It literally pictures the final day of
over 1000 years before! You should carefully “judgment” and sealing those who will receive
cross out the word, "ARE" in your Bible, and eternal life (compare Revelation 20:11-15), as
substitute the correct meaning by adding the opposed to those who will suffer the second and
words "WERE CAST" in its place. Now re-read final death penalty (verses 14-15).
the verse. Isn't the meaning plain? This final day of “harvest celebration”
COMMENT: Does Revelation 20:10 pictures the vast second resurrection -- the
mean that Satan will be tormented “day and resurrection of all people who ever lived, who
night for ever and ever”? To understand this we did not qualify to be in the first resurrection, at
need to take a closer look at this verse and the coming of Yeshua the Messiah (Revelation
compare it with Revelation 22:3-5. The bottom 20:1-4). All these others will rise up, to human
line is that Satan WILL BE DESTROYED. But life, after the 1000 year period (Revelation
this is the topic of another lesson. 20:5-6). They will be judged at that time -- the
Now Satan can do nothing. YEHOVAH time of the “Great Salvation,” or “Many

Roman columns stand sentinel over ruins of New Tyre. The inhabitants of Old Tyre never heard
YEHOVAH's Gospel Message but the Messiah promised they would be resurrected in the Last
Judgment to have their chance for salvation.

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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