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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20
not yet inheritors -- to eternal life and eternal Just as ancient Israel, on escaping from
possession of the land. Pharaoh -- a type of Satan -- was given in the
Many THINK they are observing the wilderness a temporary period of comparative
Feast of Tabernacles -- by going away to a isolation from Satan’s influence, so will the
swank or holiday resort, and having "fun, " and whole world enter 1000 years of rest from
listening to a number of sermons, and living in Satan’s rule. During that 40 years Israel was
motels and living it up with pleasures, gourmet welded into a nation completely organized under
dining, visiting museums, etc. BUT THE LAW YEHOVAH’s government. During the
OF YEHOVAH GOD NOWHERE says THAT Millennium the whole world is to be similarly
is the way to "KEEP THE FEAST!" organized under YEHOVAH’s government --
The "Feast of Booths" is to be observed and YEHOVAH God Himself will rule from
BOOTHS -- JUST AS THE "NAME" OF THE Forty is the number of trial and test.
FEAST IMPLIES! Those nations who will not Israel in the wilderness was a type of all people
do this, during the Millennial reign of the who will go through trials and tests in
Messiah, will suffer PUNISHMENT! No rain overcoming their human nature during the
will fall, drought, and consequent famine, will Millennium.
erupt! And if that doesn't bring them around, 8. How will YEHOVAH God draw the
then disease epidemics, and the plague! Do we 1,000-year period of testing to a close?
get the point, today? What about us? If WE don't Revelation 20:3, 7-9.
observe this Feast of YEHOVAH God properly, 9. Is a condition of permanency finally
won't we also "reap the consequences"? Will reached in the plan revealed in YEHOVAH’s
YEHOVAH be pleased if we continue to ignore Holy Days of this seventh month? I Kings 8:2.
His commands, and celebrate His feasts in a “Ethanim” means “(the month of) PERMA-
manner that only pleases us, in a way He never NENT things.”
commanded? COMMENT: In a future lesson we will
7. Was Israel’s 40 years of wandering show how and when YEHOVAH’s plan leads to
meant from the beginning to be only a temporary permanency -- eternal inheritance instead of
state of affairs? Deuteronomy 8:2. Just until all “sojourning.”
that rebellious generation were dead? Numbers 10. Is there to be any end to the increase
14:29, 33, 34. of YEHOVAH God’s kingdom? Isaiah 9:7.
COMMENT: The rebellious generation COMMENT: It begins like the
in the wilderness is a type of all carnal rebellious proverbial grain of mustard seed, the smallest of
people as long as there are MORTAL beings left all seeds, but when grown becomes the greatest
on earth. And as long as men are still mortal of all things and fills the whole earth (Matthew
beings, human life and society will still be only 13:31, 32). Throughout the Millennium,
temporary. This will be the case all through the population will increase rapidly. Millions will be
Millennium. converted and born into YEHOVAH’s family.
This then is the lesson that YEHOVAH By the end of the thousand years, the
God wanted ancient Israel -- and us today -- to Family will be ready for the final step in the Holy
learn when He ordained living in booths or Day Plan. Until that step, too, has been made,
temporary dwellings during the Feast of only a foundation has been prepared for the great
Tabernacles. With all this in mind, we now can things yet in store. Even greater joy and
draw further analogies, comparing Israel’s 40 accomplishments lie ahead after the
years of wandering with the coming Millennium!
Millennium. The universe will no longer be subject to
Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW