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P. 14
14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20
7. Were the descendants
of Jacob to be a blessing to all
nations? Genesis 28:14.
COMMENT: Just as
blowing dust where it comes to
rest, fertilizes (blesses) the soil,
so the racial descendants of
Israel were to bless all lands
where they would settle.
YEHOVAH God designed to
bring through them superior
prosperity, technical know-how
and inventiveness to all
Agriculture is the KEY to national prosperity.
When man serves YEHOVAH God, even the
Weather can make the difference in any crop.
weather is his helper.
YEHOVAH God promises to make the earth
Israel saying, “You are an amazing nation! How “blossom as a rose” with an abundance of fine
do you do it!" or “These laws are astounding! produce food for everyone who OBEYS. He also
What makes them work?" “Teach us your ways promises to PUNISH the rebels with drought!
and your laws” (Isaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2).
4. Will Israel then fill the world with
“fruit”? Isaiah 27:6. This indicates not only vast
worldwide population, but spiritual fruit --
righteous spiritual character produced from all
nations by the example of Israel’s obedience.
5. Were Abraham’s offspring to become
extremely numerous? Genesis 13:16. Will
Israel’s population reach its highest point in the
Millennium? Ezekiel 36:10-11; Isaiah 60:22.
6. Did YEHOVAH God set the bounds
of all nations with Israel in mind? Deuteronomy
from the beginning the number of Israelites that
would ultimately spring from the seed of
Abraham. He reserved the mineral and
agricultural wealth He meant for them to have.
After setting aside the areas they were to occupy,
giving them the largest portion of any race, He
divided up the remainder among all the rest.
Gentiles who first occupied land
reserved for Israel were permitted to dominate it
only until Israel had multiplied sufficiently to fill
Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW