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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20
judicial function. YEHOVAH is, and always sense of values be turned right side up? Isaiah
will be, the only God and LAWMAKER! He has 32:1, 5, 6. Notice how verse 6 exposes human
laid down, eons ago, the basic principles that nature. THIS world believes “the inherent good
will continue to govern the universe. We, as in human beings will ultimately bring worldwide
members of His family, will teach and judge. peace and happiness"! What nonsense!
This was the pattern established in ancient Israel.
The Eternal was King (I Samuel 8:7), but the A World Free From Fear!
human rulers under Him were “judges” and
“priests.” The Feast of Tabernacles pictures an
6. How successful will the priest- auspicious time when people will not have the
teachers be? Habakkuk 2:14; Isaiah 11:9; influences of Satan’s demons and the false glitter
Jeremiah 31:34. Will even the blind and the of “this present evil world” to distract them from
deaf be able to know the Bible? Isaiah 29:18. overcoming their human nature.
What does this kind of education bring? Verse YEHOVAH’s way will become the
19, also Proverbs 29:2. popular and broad way. It will be the way society
7. Will YEHOVAH God do more than in general will be going.
merely make knowledge available? Isaiah 25:6, Pressures that now urge toward
7 compared with Isaiah 29:10-12 and Romans conformity to this present evil world will then be
11:7, 8. Note the words “spread over ALL working toward conformity with YEHOVAH’s
NATIONS.” standard, toward overcoming the self and
COMMENT: “And in this mountain” -- building true spiritual character.
the government of YEHOVAH God -- He will 1. When YEHOVAH God has forcibly
make the Millennium one great feast of rejoicing put down those who fill the earth with violence,
-- the Feast of Tabernacles in antitype! will He abolish for all time fear of war? Isaiah
He will destroy the covering of spiritual 2:4. How? -- by exercising tremendous authority
blindness that has hidden the truth from all to “rebuke” many? Same verse.
nations. Every mind will be opened. Even the COMMENT: Imagine! Never again any
dense and self-deceived will begin to understand destruction of the fruit of years of labor! No
(Isaiah 32:3, 4; 26:9, last part). No one then will more waste of human life! No young men
“kid himself” he is righteous. None will vainly drafted from their homes, their lives upset, to
assume he is a spiritual giant when the spirit of have their minds warped with hate!
YEHOVAH God has never yet come inside him 2. Will there be any reason to fear that the
to change his human nature. Messiah, under YEHOVAH God, will be a
8. Will re-born spirit teachers take an tyrannical ruler? Psalm 72:1-4,8, 12-14; Isaiah
active down-to-earth part in bringing about 11:5. Will his decisions be unerring? Verses 2-3.
complete comprehension and causing people to Will the poor receive righteous judgment at his
take right action? Isaiah 30:20, 21. hands? Verse 4. Is this why by contrast Paul
COMMENT: Sudden materialization as wrote disparagingly of the judgment of “man’s
if from nowhere, a spoken word -- potential day”? I Corinthians 4:3 (see margin).
lawbreakers will freeze in the act. Sinful acts 3. Will there be any fear of wild animals?
will be prevented before they occur. Human Hosea 2:18 and Isaiah 11:6-9. What about wars
minds will be shown their real motivation. -- will the weapons of war be abolished from the
John 21 shows how a resurrected spirit earth? Hosea 2:18.
can live the part of a human being and serve 4. Will unarmed men, women, or
those still mortal. children be afraid to be out on the streets even at
9. Will this present evil world’s wrong night? Isaiah 32:2.
Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW