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Lesson 20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
The richest fulfillment of this prophecy Marriage of the Lamb
is yet future reserved for the Millennium.
8. How does YEHOVAH describe this We can draw some interesting parallels
future explosive spread of Israelites into every between the Feast of Tabernacles and the
part of the globe? As a “breaking forth”? Isaiah coming marriage of Yeshua the Messiah to his
54:2, 3. The United States’ population explosion spirit-born Church. Let’s notice.
is only a type of the population boom to occur in 1. When will the marriage of the Lamb
Israel during the prosperous Millennium. What take place? Will it follow YEHOVAH God’s
inheritance is promised Israel? The whole return? Revelation 19:6-7, 11-17. Will it be an
world? Same verse. occasion of great rejoicing? Same verses.
9. Will all nations either serve Israel or COMMENT: Notice how the Messiah’s
perish? Isaiah 60:12. Who will possess the marriage, like the Feast of Tabernacles, is a time
wealth of the world? Verses 5, 11, 16-17. for great rejoicing after the war, darkness and
COMMENT: In verses 5 and 11, the trouble pictured by YEHOVAH’s return!
word should not be “forces” but “wealth” -- as is 2. In biblical pattern, how long does a
shown in the margin of most King James Bibles. marriage feast last? Judges 14:2, 10, 12. Does
Israel will inherit the world’s wealth. Obedience the Feast of Tabernacles span the same length of
to YEHOVAH’s laws will cause it to multiply time? Leviticus 23:34.
again and again. COMMENT: These are the days
The whole world will become an YEHOVAH God set aside to be kept perpetually
Israelitish colonial system. Israel, under the as a TYPE of the marriage state of the Messiah
guidance of her spirit rulers, will rule the world. and his Bride -- the Church.
The British Empire, on which the sun never set, 3. Is a wife bound to obey her husband as
only weakly foreshadowed the destined world long as he lives? Will the Bride of the Messiah
power of Millennial Israel under the Kingdom of obey him forever? I Corinthians 7:39 and
YEHOVAH God. Ephesians 5:22-27, 32. Did Nehemiah read the
If you have not already read them, be Law to the people every day of the Feast of
sure to write immediately for the following Tabernacles? Nehemiah 8:18. Compare
articles: Where Did the 12 Apostles Go?; Was Deuteronomy 31:10, 11. Those who then will
There More Than One Exodus out of Egypt?; compose the Bride must learn the law in this life
and The New Testament Gentiles and the -- and learn it well -- to teach it then.
House of Israel. 4. Does the Messiah emphasize in the
It will not be an exploiting colonialism, New Testament the necessity of an inner change
but rather a cooperative association of all races. brought about by the holy spirit to enable one to
Each people will do that for which it is best take part in the Marriage of the Lamb? Matthew
suited. 25:6-10.
10. Will the Gentiles do her physical 5. Did Israel in the beginning have the
work while Israel devotes her main effort to heart to fear and obey YEHOVAH God?
teaching? Isaiah 61:5, 6. Compare also Isaiah Deuteronomy 5:29; 29:4. But once added, will
49:22, 23. Combine the best abilities of all races the holy spirit enable them to obey? Isaiah
and you will finally have a worthwhile 59:21; Jeremiah 32:39, 40.
civilization! COMMENT: The Old Covenant was a
marriage contract. When Israel broke the terms
Hope of Israel Ministries -- Preparing the Way
of the contract -- committed spiritual adultery --
for the Return of YEHOVAH God and His
her sins divorced her from YEHOVAH God
(Jeremiah 3:8, 14; 31:32; Isaiah 59:2).
Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW