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Lesson 20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 21

sense the Prophets all tell of HIS RETURN. In
other words, the Prophets predict a visible,
awesome, literal, manifestation of the
[Shekinah] Glory of YHVH [YEHOVAH] once
again” (Restoring Abrahamic Faith, p. 75).
Continues Tabor, “the Hebrew Prophets
constantly emphasize the dramatic, awesome,
earth-shaking, personal return of YHVH
Himself to this planet. They clearly intend to
convey an actual, literal, historical event in the
A Representation of YEHOVAH’s Shekinah Glory
future, something that will be experienced by all
Hovering Over the Mercy Seat.
the inhabitants of the earth" (ibid., pp. 70-71).
abrum symbolize -- that lit up the whole city of 1. Read Zechariah 14:1-5, 9, 16.
Jerusalem? Edersheim explains: COMMENT: This prophecy contains a
“It seems clear that this illumination of number of remarkable features that emphasize
the Temple was regarded as forming part of, and the fact that YEHOVAH God Himself will
having the same symbolic meaning as, 'the directly intervene and BECOME KING OVER
pouring out of water.' The light shining out of the THE ENTIRE EARTH. Writes Tabor: "The
Temple into the darkness around, and lighting up entire focus of the text is upon YHVH
every court in Jerusalem, must have been [YEHOVAH] God. I emphasize this point, not
intended as A SYMBOL...OF THE SHECK- to deny or even downplay the role of [the]
INAH [GLORY] which once filled the Temple” Messiah, but rather to stress that Zechariah is
(ibid., p. 285). able to offer this rather detailed scenario of the
The ceremony of lighting the "end of the age," and the arrival of the Kingdom
candelabrum in the Court of the Women of God without once mentioning the role of the
POINTED TO SOME FUTURE EVENT! What Davidic King [Yeshua the Messiah]. Also,
could this future event be? None other than the despite any use of symbolic or metaphorical
RETURN OF YEHOVAH GOD'S SHEKINAH language (i.e., His feet standing on the Mt. of
GLORY TO JERUSALEM AND THE Olives), the passage is full of historical and
TEMPLE! Edersheim records that "according to geographical details. The prophet obviously
Jewish tradition, the pillar of cloud by day and of intends to describe an ACTUAL, LITERAL,
fire by night [the Shekinah Glory of YEHOVAH HISTORICAL EVENT in the future history of
God] had first appeared to Israel on the 15TH Israel and Jerusalem. The language itself resists
OF TISHRI, the first day of the feast [of allegorical interpretation (ibid., p. 71).
Tabernacles]....[and] we know that the Throughout the Old Testament the
dedication of Solomon's Temple and the Prophets constantly make the point that
DESCENT OF THE SHECHINAH took place at YEHOVAH God Himself (in the form of His
this feast" (The Temple, p. 286). Shekinah Glory) will come down from Heaven
Writes Dr. James Tabor: “To understand and intervene in the affairs of this world, acting
this teaching of Scripture one has to make a personally and directly, to punish the wicked and
distinction between the general presence of God, RULE AS KING OVER ALL NATIONS. Many
which is always with His creation, and this very have assigned this role to the Messiah -- a huge
specific, literal, awesome, visible, manifestation mistake that the churches of this world continue
of the Divine Glory. In that sense God to promulgate.
DEPARTED from this planet [just prior to the 2. Notice Isaiah 26:20-21.
destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.], and in that 3. Go, now, to Isaiah 24:1, 14-15, 21-23.

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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