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Lesson 29 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
announcing, Return, O backsliding children
[Jeremiah 3:14]. Return unto Me, and I will
return unto you [Malachi 3:7], when they did
NOT repent, it said, I WILL RETURN TO MY
PLACE [Heaven -- Hosea 5:15]” (Midrash
Rabbah, Lamentations 2:11).
when He returns? Isaiah 40:5.
7. Notice what Titus 2:13 says.
COMMENT: Verses 11-16 of Revela-
tion 19 describe this eagerly awaited -- by the
early Christians -- return of YEHOVAH God’s
Shekinah Glory -- NOT the appearance of the
Messiah as millions have blindly assumed!
The modern town of El ‘Eizariya (Bethany) east of
the Mount of Olives. It was from here that the
HOW the Messiah Will Return
Messiah ascended into heaven.
1. Will the Messiah return in
DEPARTED? Acts 1:11. How did
the Messiah DEPART? Acts 1:9.
Was he taken up in a cloud? Will he
RETURN in a cloud? What does
Matthew 24:27, 30, say about this?
Where did he leave from to ascend to
the right hand of YEHOVAH God?
Luke 24:50-51.
COMMENT: It was from the
town of Bethany on the EASTERN
SLOPE of the Mount of Olives that
the Messiah ascended from -- NOT
the summit of the mountain where
As lightning flashing from east to west, the Messiah will
YEHOVAH God will set His feet!
travel around the world to gather his elect.
Bethany lay on the ancient approach
to Jerusalem from Jericho and the 3. And who will appear with the
Jordan. Messiah? I Thessalonians 3:13, I Corinthians
2. What will HAPPEN IN THE DAY 1:2.
THAT HE COMES? Revelation 10:1-3. Will COMMENT: The word “saints” here
his feet stand upon the MOUNT OF OLIVES “in refers to those of YEHOVAH’s Ecclesia.
THAT day”? 4. Did the Messiah VISIBLY ascend
COMMENT: This is careless exegesis. from the town of Bethany? Acts 1:9-11. Will
It is YEHOVAH GOD whose feet will stand ALL SEE him? Revelation 1:7. Does this, then,
upon the Mount of Olives. In Revelation 10 we say there will be a “SECRET RAPTURE” of the
see the angel (messenger) who represents the saints from this earth?
Messiah with “his right foot on the sea and his COMMENT: When the Messiah
left foot on the land.” Also read Revelation 1:7. returns VISIBLY and in great glory (Matthew
What Do You Mean -- “The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God”?