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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 29

25:31), he will travel AS LIGHTNING from The Return of YEHOVAH God and the
east to west around the earth to gather the elect Messiah Now Imminent!
(Matthew 24:27). This is the only possible way
by which people on a ROUND earth could see Through His prophets, apostles and
him. evangelists, YEHOVAH God has revealed a
John 14:19 is often misapplied in an FIXED SEQUENCE OF EVENTS leading up to
attempt to prove that Yeshua will come secretly the IMMINENT RETURN OF HIMSELF AND
and invisibly. This verse does NOT say that the YESHUA THE MESSIAH. Contrary to the
world will NEVER see Yeshua return. It says WOEFUL MISUNDERSTANDING in the
that the people then living -- 2000 years ago -- churches of this world, both YEHOVAH God
would see him no more because he went to AND the Messiah will come VISIBLY to a
heaven. But he WILL be seen VISIBLY when he God-rejecting world to save it from itself.
returns! THEIR Coming will usher in the BEGINNING
The expression, “and they also which of the MILLENNIUM -- 1,000 years of peace
pierced him” (Revelation 1:7), refers not to the and prosperity for all mankind!
ONE Roman who literally pierced Yeshua’s National leaders now REALIZE that the
side, or only to the Judeans, but to the ENTIRE only hope of saving our civilization from
human family -- YOU and ME! Our SINS took self-destruction is the formation of a strong
his life (Zechariah 12:10). WORLD GOVERNMENT. But all attempts at
5. Note I Thessalonians 4:16-17. At this encounter suspicion, distrust, and HATE.
what SIGNAL will the Messiah return? Will The hard FACT is that MAN HAS CON-
there be a SOUND to announce his coming, or SISTENTLY FAILED -- AND WILL CON-
6. Does the word “we” which is JECTIVE.
mentioned in I Thessalonians 4:17 mean SADLY HUMAN NATURE HAS NOT
everyone, or just the SAINTS -- those who will CHANGED!
RISE to meet the Messiah at his coming? Will Men are still quite willing to spill the
they be with the Messiah forever? Verse 17. blood of their fellows to satisfy their LUST and
Doesn’t I Corinthians 15:51-52 obviously refer GREED. Do the men of this world really know
to the same glorious event? the WAY to PEACE? YEHOVAH God
7. When the Messiah was alive, did he Almighty says of sinful men in general: “The
display great POWER? Or was he scourged, WAY of PEACE have they NOT known”
mocked, and abused? Isaiah 50:6; John 19:1. (Romans 3:17). We hear a lot of sentimental
When he arrives in the future, will he have platitudes about the hopes of achieving peace
POWER and GREAT GLORY? Matthew through the United Nations -- but the pitiful
24:30. Will angels assist him? Same verse. RESULTS confirm Paul’s inspired statement
Messiah and his angel assistants will descend in THE WAY TO PEACE.
clouds and that the saints (the righteous -- both The history of human woe proves that in
the resurrected dead and the living who were trying to govern himself, man has been at-
then changed into spirit) will rise to meet him in tempting the impossible. It shows that
the air. As he and his angels travel SWIFTLY carnal-minded man is UTTERLY INCAPABLE
AROUND THE EARTH (Matthew 24:27), the of mastering this world and bringing about
SAINTS JOIN the Messiah and remain with him lasting peace. History also shows the churches
FOREVER. have FAILED in their attempts to reform
civilization. Only the Messiah’s return can

What Do You Mean -- “The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God”?
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