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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
The Greek word translated I HAD can then, when YEHOVAH Gods Shekinah Glory
-- and should have been -- translated I AM TO returns to this earth (Revelation 19:11) to reside
HAVE. This glory that the Messiah is said to in the Temple built by the Messiah, Yeshua will
have, is to be BEFORE the world TO COME. hand all power over to Him and become subject
Lets read this verse in the way that it to Him -- acknowledging that YEHOVAH God
SHOULD HAVE been translated: And now, O is the SUPREME HEAD over ALL. The Mes-
Father, You glorify me beside Your own self, siah will then become our High Priest, mini-
with the glory that I AM TO HAVE with You stering to YEHOVAH his Father in the Temple
BEFORE the world to come. of YEHOVAH God!
Yeshua was only asking YEHOVAH The Messiah was NOT speaking of past
God to glorify him beside the Father -- or at the glory, nor of a past life -- as countless de-
right hand of YEHOVAHs throne -- with the ceived people have supposed. Unfortunately,
glory that HE HAD IN STORE with the Father -- people are deceived because of the PAGAN
BEFORE the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God and LIES that the translators have inserted into the
BEFORE the NEW WORLD (the Millennium) scriptures! Yeshua the Messiah was speaking of
that is to come! the glory he WAS to receive AFTER he was
The Messiah knew full well that he was resurrected; the glory of the only BEGOTTEN
to die and be resurrected by YEHOVAH God. (for a time) son of the Father, ful of mercy and
He also knew that he was to be allowed to take truth!
his rightful place at the right side of YEHOVAH The glory of being the ONLY begotten
God, and that is exactly what we find in the other son of YEHOVAH God -- the FIRSTBORN
scriptures that interpret this verse. from the dead -- is the glory the Messiah has
This glory was in fulfillment of Biblical NOW, and will forevermore have! But -- and let
prophecy -- and this glory was only to BEGIN to this sink in -- the Messiah DID NOT have this
take place in a certain time period. glory previously, because he simply DID NOT
We must realize that we, too, can look EXIST before he was born as a flesh and blood
forward to this SAME glory that Yeshua the human being!
Messiah received after his death. Just as the 8. Here is a scripture in the King James
apostles looked forward to this glory, so should version of the Bible that fools the unlearned into
we. believing that it was the Messiah who was the
This was the very glory that the Messiah Creator. Ephesians 3:9.
was talking about -- glory he knew he would COMMENT: Many of the Churches of
receive because it was written in the prophets! God teach that in the beginning there were
He knew he would RECEIVE this glory AFTER TWO GODS, and that one god decided to
HIS RESURRECTION -- he DID NOT have become the father god and the other decided he
this glory before his human birth! The Messiah, would be god the son. This is TOTALLY RI-
as the only BEGOTTEN son of YEHOVAH DICULOUS! Let us try and understand WHY
God (so far!), will always have the honor of some have become CONFUSED -- and also
being at his Fathers right hand -- BUT HE DID WHAT the real meaning of this verse is.
NOT RECEIVE THIS HONOR (GLORY) By just reading this verse it is easy to
UNTIL AFTER HIS RESURRECTION! think that YEHOVAH God the Father gave
Clearly, when the Messiah appears on orders to create all things, and that these orders
this earth (as pictured in Revelation 10) he will were carried out by Yeshua the Messiah. Once
have all authority to destroy all other rules, again, this world has been DECEIVED into
authorities and powers. He will reign on earth believing this LIE because the LAST THREE
until he has put all enemies under his feet and WORDS in the King James version were
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?