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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40
Targums to find the word LORD (YHVH, YEHOVAH God!
YEHOVAH) translated the Word of the Lord. And what is YEHOVAHs truth?
10. Another deception perpetrated by the Psalm 119:142 and Psalm 119:151 show that
translators is John 1:14 in the King James ver- YEHOVAHs LAW and COMMANDMENTS
sion. are the truth.
COMMENT: The word that has been Indeed, Yeshua the Messiah was YEHO-
translated MADE in this verse is word #1096 VAHs manifestation in the flesh because
in Strong’s Greek Dictionary, and means to YEHOVAHs Shekinah Glory was with him
cause to be; to become (come into being). from the time of his baptism. Matthew 3:16,
The words that have been translated Mark 1:10, Luke 3:21, 22. And, in the same
only begotten in this scripture are actually way, each saint or true Christian should also be
only ONE WORD in the Greek -- #3439 in the manifestation of YEHOVAH created in the
Strong’s Greek Dictionary and means only- flesh, -- for we should all obey in the same way
born i.e. Sole -- only (begotten, child). the Messiah did.
Word #3439 comes from the word It should be apparent to any honest
#3441, which means: ONLY, and word #1096, person by now that in the BEGINNING WAS
TO BEING, TO EXIST. GOD, and this manifestation was the POWER of
Therefore, the CORRECT translation of YEHOVAH God. The same manifestation (She-
John 1:14 is as follows: According to (or by) kinah Glory) was in the beginning WITH YE-
the manifestation [Shekinah Glory] flesh was HOVAH and, according (or by) YEHOVAHs
created; and dwelling among us, WHO ARE manifestation, flesh was created (human beings,
FLESH, and we beholding his glory, was the starting with Adam) and then, LATER, the
glory of the ONLY BEGOTTEN [at that time] of Messiah dwelt among us (human beings) and
the Father, full of honor and truth. we beheld his [the Messiahs] glory; the
That the Messiah was born after being GLORY of the only begotten [at that time --
begotten by his father Joseph, and being con- more are to follow] of the Father -- full of honor
calved by his mother Mary, is a scriptural FACT. and truth.
Those who believe John says that the Messiah 11. Another scripture in the King James
was conceived by YEHOVAH God planting version that has deceived many in the Churches
sperm within Mary should read what John says of God is Hebrews 1:8-9.
in John 6:42! COMMENT: Some use these verses to
Yeshuas neighbors in Nazareth had NO claim that the Messiah was an angel, while
DOUBT as to who the Messiahs father was -- others use it to claim he was God. The way these
and there was no question that JOSEPH was the verses have been translated in the King James
Messiahs LEGITIMATE FATHER! Of course version would have those with a shallow under-
-- like any other baby -- YEHOVAHs Shekinah standing of the Bible to believe that the Messiah
Glory was NOT with the Messiah at his birth; he is here called God! However, a little research
had to LEARN YEHOVAHs laws and com- into the Bible will reveal that Hebrews 1:8-9 is a
monuments and way of life as he grew. But when DIRECT QUOTE from Psalm 45:6-7 in the Old
he reached the age of about 30 years old and had Testament.
entered into YEHOVAH Gods ministry, he was There are a number of translation prob-
the walking, speaking manifestation (Daba- lems encountered in Psalm 45:6-7 that can be
logos) of YEHOVAH God, because he knew the resolved if we resort to the original Hebrew.
truth of YEHOVAH God, he obeyed the truth of Lets see how verse 6 is translated from the He-
YEHOVAH God, and he proclaimed the truth of brew in The Holy Bible, Second Part, Division
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?