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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
moner, but blessed as was his wife Mary, for The Thread of Evidence
they had a large family of five sons as well as
daughters. But let us not deter from the proof that Throughout the Old Testament the pro-
his neighbors in Nazareth had NO DOUBT as to mise of the Messiah is proclaimed; throughout
who the Messiahs father was -- and there was the New Testament the person of the Messiah is
NO QUESTION that he, JOSEPH, was HIS described.
LEGITIMATE FATHER. 1. What does Genesis 3:15 state?
10. Read, now, John 6:42. COMMENT: The Messiah was the
COMMENT: The Messiah referred to seed of the woman promised from the begin-
himself as the bread which came down from ning, to destroy the law of sin and death that was
heaven prior to the Judeans comments in John the product of the misguiding influence of Satan
6:42. The bread of life spoken of in this chapter the Devil.
is the word of YEHOVAH God, the manna from 2. What does the New Testament com-
heaven. The children of Israel were given manna ment? Galatians 4:4.
from heaven to save them when they were COMMENT: If the Messiah pre-
hungry, but they died because they FAILED TO existed, how could he be described as the seed
CONTINUE in YEHOVAHs commandments of the woman? Abraham was taught: In thy
-- even after YEHOVAH supplied the manna SEED shall all nations be blessed (Genesis
and quail. But our salvation is of that bread 22:18). Paul commented: And that SEED is
which is IN the Messiah. He became the bread Christ (Galatians 3:16). Would Abraham
(or word) of life from heaven, his BODILY imagine that his seed (son) existed BEFORE he
SHELL receiving the spirit -- not partially but did? Of course not! Where is there any evidence
fully. The Judeans did not understand what the in Genesis that the Messiah was THEN living in
Messiah was saying, but they DID KNOW any form? There is none!
where he PHYSICALLY came from. They 3. What did Moses, Israels law-giver
knew his FATHER and his mother, that is, they and leader, who TYPIFIED the COMING Law-
knew he was the son of a CARPENTER giver and Leader (Yeshua the Messiah) tell the
NAMED JOSEPH. In the last verse quoted, the Israelites? Deuteronomy 18:5.
Judeans were saying they knew the Messiahs 4. In the New Testament Peter QUOTED
father and mother from whom he had come by these very words and APPLIED them to the
the flesh. Messiah. Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37.
11. Now notice John 1:45. 5. Notice what the apostle Paul taught.
COMMENT: In this verse Philip states, Hebrews 2:17.
without any expression of doubt, that the Mes- COMMENT: Can the words of Moses
siah was JOSEPHS BIOLOGICAL SON. above apply to a pre-existent angel or a member
When Philip said weve found the one, he of the god-head? Could such a one be TRUTH-
spoke of the promised Messiah, King and Pro- FULLY described as raised up from the midst
phet of YEHOVAH God, who came from the of thee, or of thy brethren, like unto Moses?
city of Nazareth. He was of the seed of David Did the Messiahs brethren pre-exist in heaven
12. What do we read in Deuteronomy Only a FALSE THEORY could possibly
18:18-19? make those words apply to a pre-existent angel
COMMENT: Notice the phrase from or a god.
among their brethren -- no hint of pre-existence 6. The Messiah was also the son of
here! David -- what was David told? II Samuel
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?