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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
DEMANDED for Colossians 1:16. The word in these words can be understood. But if the
the Greek translated by is the preposition en. creation in question is interpreted to mean the
This is translated because in Matthew 26:33 LITERAL creation, we MUST acknowledge
and Mark 14:27 -- but is more commonly that the Messiah holds all that together! WHY,
rendered in. It signifies in the sphere of a then, did it not DISINTEGRATE when he died?
persons influence or being. The R.S.V. and Obviously, this interpretation is WRONG and,
R.V. translations of the Bible render Colossians as the context clearly shows, was NEVER
1:16 as for in him were all things created. It intended by Paul -- who was writing of a
CANNOT be said that the material creation was SPIRITUAL CREATION in the Messiah.
created in Christ, and therefore the reference
must be to the SPIRITUAL CREATION -- as is “I Am From Above”
further implied in verse 18.
6. Elsewhere a person in Christ is 1. The following verse is one that has
described as a new creature, or new creation used over and over again to prove the pre-
as the expression should be rendered. II existence of the Messiah. John 8:23.
Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 6:15. COMMENT: This statement is often
COMMENT: Since the things that the used to teach that the Messiah was in heaven
Messiah is said to have created are in him, it is BEFORE he came down to earth. The CON-
OBVIOUS this NEW CREATION is what the TEXT of the verse, however, shows that this
apostle has in mind. Yeshua is the BEGINNING interpretation is INCORRECT. The Messiah
of this NEW CREATION of YEHOVAH God was from above and not of this world be-
(Revelation 3:14), leading the way to that which cause he manifested WISDOM and CHAR-
his followers can attain (Philippians 3:21, I ACTERISTICS that were OF and FROM
John 3:1-2), for what he (the Messiah) is today YEHOVAH God through the HOLY SPIRIT.
THEY CAN BECOME! 2. Notice what John says in John 8:23.
To summarize, Colossians 1:16 DOES COMMENT: A man who loves the
NOT teach the LITERAL creation of the world is from beneath, or earthy, but one
heavens and the earth by the Messiah, because: who has the love of the Father dwelling in him
1) It CONFLICTS with the testimony of is from above.
the Old Testament which teaches that YEHO- 3. What did the Messiah tell Nicodemus?
VAH God ALONE created the heavens and the John 3:3 -- margin.
earth. COMMENT: The Messiah told Nico-
2) The heavens in question are in demus that a person must be born from above
Christ, which is ONLY possible if they relate to if he would inherit the Kingdom of YEHOVAH
3) Other expressions by the apostle align 4. How does this occur? I Peter 1:23 and
the heavens to POSITIONS OF PRIVILEGE I John 3:9-10.
in the Messiah. COMMENT: Such a one is BEGOT-
So, Paul concludes: He is before (Greek TEN BY THE WORD of YEHOVAH God, by a
-- SUPERIOR TO) all things, and by (Greek -- wisdom that descendeth from above. James
en, IN) him all things consist (Colossians 3:15-18.
1:17). 5. What does John say in John 17:17?
The Greek word translated consist is COMMENT: The character that the
sunistemi and signifies to stand, or adhere, follower of the Messiah will develop is one
together. The Messiah is the COHESIVE molded by the Word that dwells in him, so that
FORCE of the NEW CREATION, and as such he can claim to be :from above though he was
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?