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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 21
needed to be given anything at all. Some have
argued that all the things received by him were
already his by right. If that was the case and they
were already his -- then HOW did he receive
This question falls into the same cate-
gory as the question that has bothered gener-
ations of Christians -- HOW can God be one and
also two or three? As mentioned before, scrip-
tures are often interpreted in accordance with a
paradigm. Burtt put it like this: We become so
OBSESSED with a certain theory that we read it
into EVERY passage in the Bible (ibid., p. 14).
The “Necessary” Resurrection of the
It is an interesting fact of revelation that
it took the DIRECT intervention of YEHOVAH
God and the resurrection of the Messiah to Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden after
PREVENT the Anointed One from undergoing they sinned against YEHOVAH God. Because of
decay like the REST OF humanity. this the first Adam is still in the grave.
1. This had been prophesied by the
Psalmist and APPLIED TO THE MESSIAH by -- and he plainly tells us that this ability had been
Peter -- notice Acts 2:26-27. GIVEN TO HIM by his Father. However, it was
2. Paul, in the resurrection chapter of I LATER that Yeshua attained the PERMANENT
Corinthians, further explains the SIGNIFI- ATTRIBUTES of a life-giving spirit in lieu of
CANCE of the resurrection of the Anointed One. and by means of his RESURRECTION. Paul
I Corinthians 15:45. emphasized this truth by saying that if the
COMMENT: He points out that it was Messiah had NOT been resurrected, then any
AFTER THE RESURRECTION of the Messiah hope of resurrection for himself and the
that a definitive DIFFERENCE between the first Corinthian believers was VAIN!
Adam and the last Adam transpired. 3. Notice Pauls direct comment on the
It was the last Adam that was made a subject. I Corinthians 15:14-19.
life-giving spirit and NOT the first Adam. The COMMENT: If the Messiah was indeed
first Adam is still in the grave. If you will read God incarnate -- his resurrection would NOT
carefully the full import of Pauls discussion have been essential for our salvation and re-
concerning the resurrection of the Messiah, you demption! Paul says just that in the above text. If
will be able to note that it was ONLY at his the Anointed did NOT rise, he says, you are still
resurrection that the Messiah was made into a in your sins! Furthermore, those who have
life-giving spirit. gone to sleep have been destroyed. Review
I think we are all agreed that in his for yourselves the ENTIRE context of I Corin-
earthly ministry the Messiah had granted life, thians 15 and see for yourself whether this is not
forgiven sins and performed signs by the correct.
POWER and ANOINTING of YEHOVAH God The majority of Judahites (Jews) be-
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?