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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 19
anointed. In the same way that Cyrus pre-
existence was NOT a requirement to carry out
VAH God, the SAME can be said concerning
Yeshua the Anointed.
1. Read Luke 24:39.
COMMENT: The Messiahs pre-exis-
tence was NOT required for his person and/or
personality as the Anointed. He was certainly
material before his death and even EMPHA-
SIZED his continued materiality after his re-
Milton Burtt makes a very appropriate
observation concerning this subject: To theo-
rize at this point and try to imagine an immaterial
pre-existent personality DISTINCT from the
body is nothing short of subtle SPIRITU-
ALISM (op. cit., p. 7).
2. The pre-existence of the Messiah was
also NOT required for him to be the only be-
Old Iranian portrait of Cyrus the Great, referred to gotten son of YEHOVAH God. Notice again
as YEHOVAHs anointed. No one tries to make Luke 4:22.
the pre-existence of Cyrus literal -- so WHY do COMMENT: The scriptures CLEAR-
this with the Messiah?
LY record that he was born of the woman Mary
COMMENT: So what can we say to all -- his biological father being JOSEPH THE
of this? Simply this. The scriptures that are used CARPENTER. He had a NORMAL, HUMAN
to prove that the Messiah pre-existed also BIRTH! For the same reason, however, that
FALL INTO THE SAME CATEGORY. It Adams pre-existence was NOT required for
should also be stressed that the LITERAL him to be physically created by YEHOVAH
pre-existence of the Anointed is in NO WAY God, NEITHER did the Messiah (the last
NECESSARY for our salvation! It is only Adam) need to pre-exist to be spiritually
relevant to the Two-God and Three-God begotten of the father. I doubt whether any
scenarios. These views create the difficulty of would argue that Adam did not pre-exist IN THE
explaining how that God is one and yet two or MIND of YEHOVAH before his advent, so
three. Obsession with a particular theory will WHY should the Messiah NOT also have
cause one to interpret EVERY scripture possible pre-existed in YEHOVAHs Mind before his
within that context. Such has been the effect of advent? As you can see, the uniqueness of
the Holy Trinity and Two-God views on both Adam and the Messiah need have
scholars for generations. NOTHING whatsoever to do with their personal
pre-existence, but rather with the existence of an
omniscient Almighty God Who PLANNED
Pre-Existence of the Anointed Not Required
THEM IN HIS MIND from before Creation!
Lets prove together that the LITERAL 3. Pre-existence was NOT essential for
pre-existence of the Messiah is NOT required to the POWER resident in the Anointed Messiah.
accomplish the purposes for which he was Notice Matthew 12:28.
COMMENT: It was by the power of
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?