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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40

COMMENT: The pro- God-manifestation in the man
phecy relates to the Messiah, as Yeshua through the holy spirit.
the New Testament comment 8. And remember, a cor-
about it makes abundantly rect understanding of the re-
clear (see Hebrews 1:5). With lationship of the Father and the
that clearly established, note Son is ESSENTIAL to salva-
well the FUTURE TENSE tion. John 17:3).
used in relation to him. YEHO-
VAH God says: “I WILL BE The Biblical Doctrine of the
his Father,” he “SHALL BE Firstborn
My son.” If the Messiah was
already in existence, should not At this juncture the stu-
YEHOVAH have said: “I AM dent might try to point out Bible
his Father,” “he IS My son”? references that SEEM to give
7. Consider also the credence to the pre-existence
preaching of the apostles. Did theory. However, we are not ig-
they proclaim a belief in a pre- norant of these passages, but
existent angel or god who had unequivocally state that NONE
assumed human form? They of them give support to the the-
most assuredly DID NOT! No- Moses, Israel’s law-giver, typi- ory if they are PROPERLY IN-

tice Peter’s preaching. Acts fied the coming Messiah. TERPRETED.
2:30. It is unfortunately true, as the
COMMENT: Whom did David believe Bible itself states, that some people take
would sit upon his throne? An angel or god who passages of scripture that are “hard to be under-
was already in existence? NO; he believed the stood” and proceed to “wrest them unto their
one who would reign there would be “the fruit of own destruction” (II Peter 3:16).
his loins,” that is, a DESCENDANT. The boy 1. Such a reference is Colossians 1:15.
born of Mary and Joseph was a DESCENDANT COMMENT: This verse describes the
of David -- NOT a pre-existent angel or god Messiah as “the FIRSTBORN of every crea-
assuming human form! ture,” and some have advanced this in support of
In short, YEHOVAH God revealed Him- the pre-existence theory. If the Messiah is first-
self in a MAN of His choosing who became the born, he must have existed BEFORE all others,
PATTERN for all those who would approach they claim.
Him in hope of eternal life. YEHOVAH God But doesn’t that set scripture against
DOES NOT expect that such will attain unto the scripture? If the Messiah is LITERALLY “first-
perfection they behold in the Son, but He does born” in the sense implied by the theory, how
require of them that they BUILD INTO their can Bible claim that he is the “son of Abraham
lives SOME of the Divine characteristics that and David”? And consider the statement itself:
they see there revealed. By so doing, they DE- “firstBORN of every creature.” Doesn’t that
VELOP A CHARACTER WORTHY OF PER- DEMAND a mother? WHO was the mother who
PETUATION in a body of incorruptible glory in gave birth to him before all others?
the Age to Come (I Corinthians 15:53-57). 2. These difficulties are solved -- and the
The theory that sets forth the Messiah as passage simply and beautifully explained --
a pre-existent angel or a member of the God- when the Biblical doctrine of the “firstborn” is
head, however, destroys this pattern, and mysti- understood. Read Deuteronomy 21:17.
fies and DISTORTS the beautiful doctrine of COMMENT: In the Bible, “firstborn” is

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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