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20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40
YEHOVAHS SPIRIT that the Messiah per- COMMENT: There is NO RECORD of
formed signs AFTER his anointing. the Messiah performing any miracles or
4. This truth is ECHOED in Acts 10:38 speaking prophetically BEFORE his baptism by
by Peter and placed in the CONTEXT of John when the spirit of YEHOVAH God de-
anointing power. scended upon him. It was IMMEDIATELY
COMMENT: As we can see, without THEREAFTER that Luke connects the POWER
the anointing of the Messiah and the fact that of YEHOVAH with the Messiah.
God was with him he would have been 9. What did Luke note after the Mes-
POWERLESS. This engenders the question of siahs baptism and testing by the Adversary?
HOW the omnipotent God became powerless in Luke 4:14.
the first place! We might as well turn to the old 10. It was from this very context that
enigma that asks, Could YEHOVAH God Luke records the remarkable confrontation be-
create a rock that He was unable to lift? tween the Messiah and the townspeople of his
5. Pre-existence was also NOT involved youth. Luke 4:16-19.
in the atonement of the Anointed -- nor was it at COMMENT: The next verse records
all necessary. On the contrary, HUMAN EXIS- the rapt attention paid to him by those listening.
TENCE was what was called for. Notice what WHY -- all of a SUDDEN -- did they give him
Peter plainly taught. I Peter 1:19. such scrutiny? Because of his NEWLY AC-
COMMENT: In this, Peter was ECHO- QUIRED reputation!
ING the pattern of atonement laid down in the 11. Notice Luke 4:14.
Old Testament system as a SHADOW and COMMENT: News of him had pre-
TYPE of what was to come. It is the blood that ceded his return to Nazareth. It was AFTER the
makes atonement for the soul (Leviticus Messiahs anointing that he was able to re-
17:11). In fact, the Anointeds HUMANITY is ceive their undivided attention!
what is being STRESSED in his subsequent 12. What did the Messiah say at this
sacrifice as the FULFILLMENT of the old by point? Luke 4:21.
the Hebrew writer. COMMENT: His neighbors were
6. After making it clear that the blood of flabbergasted by what had transpired. The peo-
bulls and goats would NOT suffice for atone- ple that had known him and his mother and
ment, the writer posits that HUMAN flesh and FATHER demonstrate undeniably that the Mes-
blood was required -- read Hebrews 10:19-21. siah had NEVER PREVIOUSLY exercised pro-
COMMENT: As everyone knows, phetic or miraculous abilities. Today, says the
blood and flesh are characteristics of HUMAN Messiah, this writing is fulfilled.
and EARTHLY organisms and certainly require What occurred required NO pre-exis-
NO pre-existence. tence of any kind any more than did the calling
7. Pre-existence was not an essential of Moses, Amos, or any other prophet singled
requisite for the knowledge (revelation) that the out by YEHOVAH God to receive power and/or
Messiah received. Deuteronomy 18:15. revelation. And, as previously mentioned,
COMMENT: It should be noted that the Yeshua often described his teaching as NOT HIS
Messiah is referred to by Moses as A PROPHET OWN but his Fathers. There could be much
LIKE HIMSELF. As Moses received his power more said about the character of the Anointed
and knowledge through YEHOVAH God, the Messiah and the honor, power and glory that he
SAME was true of the Anointed Messiah. received from his Father -- but NONE OF
8. Luke explains his HUMAN mental THESE REQUIRE PRE-EXISTENCE! On the
capacity as he grows in wisdom, knowledge and contrary, they argue AGAINST pre-existence. If
favor in Luke 2:52. the Messiah was God, he would NOT have
The Messiahs Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?