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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 42
Doubters say there is no record -- history says went to Hen and laid hands upon the territory of
there is! Hear this: the Benjamites," and “The year that Zimri-Lim
We quote from Weigall’s History of the killed the DAVIDUM of the Benjamites."
Pharaohs, Vol. 2, pp. 129-130: “The base of a Here are Benjamites mentioned and their
figure...inscribed with the king’s name [that is, generals are called “DAVIDUM” or DAVIDS!
with Amenemhet III’s name] has been found at Of course, just as the world’s “great” Roman
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, ‘The Jew’s Mount,’ a place CAESARS gave their name to the KAISERS of
some 20 miles northeast of Cairo, on the direct Germany and the CZARS of Russia, so David’s
route to the ‘Land of Goshen,’ the Wady Tumilat fame spread so far and wide that Gentiles called
.... It seems to have been founded in the reign of the officers and generals of Israel “Davids” --
Amenemhet III, and may have been from the men like David! And Benjamin’s fame spread so
start an Asiatic settlement, where, possibly, far that for a time that tribe gave its name to all of
Joseph’s RELATIONS took up their residence." Israel as Ephraim and Judah later did.
Of course it was! The Bible says so! How do the critics of the Bible get
The vivid end of this story -- the episode around this plain record of history in David’s
of Israel’s escape from Egyptian bondage under day? By saying that the Benjamites were in
Moses -- has been recounted in Lesson 10 of the Palestine southwest of the Euphrates before
Correspondence Course. It is just one more link Benjamin was even born -- and 750 years before
in the thrilling tangible proofs of
history -- proofs that the Bible means
what it says.
King David Leaves His Mark
This is not the end of surprises.
The next one involves King David.
Nearly all the skeptics have
doubted portions of the story of Da-
vid’s rise to fame under the Benjamite
King Saul. What PROOF have we?
1. Does your Bible say that
David gained an international reputa-
tion during the prominence of the tribe
of Benjamin? I Samuel 18:7, 8 and
COMMENT: Surely if David Tablet of Zimri-Lim of Mari.
were so great a general, his reputation
would have spread far and wide even David lived there were leading generals who
to the Euphrates River which finally became the bore the title of “David.” BUT THEIR MISIN-
border of Israel. And if the tribe of Benjamin TERPRETATION OF HISTORY WILL NOT
were PREDOMINANT among the Israelites in STAND, for the RECORDS of those times con-
their struggle against the Philistines, it ought to tain statements that “Yehovah is God.” God RE-
be mentioned. VEALED Himself by the name “YEHOVAH”
What is the historical evidence? or “The Eternal” or “LORD” at the time of the
From the tablets found at Mari, we read Exodus (Exodus 6:3). The Gentiles could have
these clear words: “The year in which Iahdulim
Archaeology and the Bible