Page 7 - BCC42
P. 7
Lesson 42 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
The NATIVES of GREENLAND main- Library of Ashurbanipal (around 650 B.C.), long
tained that almost all men in the land were once AFTER Moses’ record of Noah’s Flood. The
drowned and that a man and woman became the sane explanation is that many peoples preserved
ancestors of all now living. their OWN accounts. Of these accounts only the
The POLYNESIANS from the South biblical record is without contradiction and filled
Pacific contend that a flood in the land over- with rational simplicity.
whelmed all but eight people. So the Book of books is right after all.
CHINESE traditions speak of their civi- The SCRIPTURE STANDS VINDICATED. It
lization as having been founded by a man, to- is INSPIRED. IT IS TRUE ON EVERY
gether with his three sons and daughters, who COUNT!
escaped a devastating flood.
EGYPTIAN and other AFRICAN tradi- PROOF the Bible Patriarchs REALLY
tions preserve similar accounts. LIVED
The GREEKS pictured their “Noah” as
building an Ark to escape the waters, after which Did Abraham and his ancestors REAL-
he sent out a dove twice before setting foot on LY live or are their lives fables?
land again. What PROOF have we that Abraham’s
The ancient BABYLONIANS and relatives -- Terah and Nahor, Haran, Serug, Reu,
ASSYRIANS have preserved for us on clay tab- and Peleg -- were actually HISTORICAL FIG-
lets word-for-word accounts of the same tradi- URES? YOU will find them named in Genesis
tions among them -- traditions which are exact in
many details!
Think for a moment -- IF the Flood had
not occurred, would all these peoples have pre-
served these records of the Flood?
Certainly all people would not have been
deceived into believing the Flood had happened
if it had not happened! You may find this un-
animous testimony of ancient nations in the
International Standard Encyclopaedia, article
“Deluge,” and in summary form in Halley’s
Bible Handbook.
Thus, for the Flood of Noah we have the
actual geological evidence AND the testimony
of many ancient peoples who remembered the
catastrophic results. The only reason the testi-
mony is not believed today is that man is un-
willing to believe what YEHOVAH God says!
He would rather believe the evolutionary fairy
tale that everything has continued the same since The Babylonian flood account.
the beginning of time.
Knowing these facts, some skeptics as-
Do you know what the “conservative”
sert that the biblical record came from Baby-
teaching in public schools is today? Here is an
lonian tradition rather than fact. The EVI-
exact quotation that will amaze you if you have
lonian record we have was nearly all found in the
Archaeology and the Bible