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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 5

religion? that Nimrod was a mighty and presumptuous
COMMENT: Gibbon, the authoritative one “BEFORE (correctly translated
historian, in his Decline and Fall of the Roman “AGAINST”) the Lord" (Genesis 10:9). He was
Empire, Vol. 1, pp. 636-38, tells us: a military conqueror. From his home city of
“Constantine...persevered till he was near 40 Babel on the Euphrates River in the east,
years of age in the practice of the established Nimrod’s victories ranged into Africa.
religion (of paganism)....But the devotion of Nimrod was also high PRIEST OF THE
Constantine was more peculiarly directed to the SUN!
genius of the SUN...the sun was universally A church, in the Bible, is often
celebrated as the invincible guide and protector symbolized by a woman. After his death,
of Constantine." Nimrod’s beautiful and licentious wife became
Notice that Constantine became a PRIESTESS of the sun. She was the ORIGINAL
PROFESSING “Christian” after he was about of the prophetical woman -- the “CHURCH” of
forty years of age. But it was also after he was Revelation 17:1-5 -- with whom the kings
about forty that he, by his legislation, brought his (rulers) of those early days committed
sun-god -- the “lord Baal” -- and SUN-day into LITERAL FORNICATION!
Satan’s COUNTERFEIT “Christian” Church They were familiar with her for the
TO STAY! mutual “benefit” of each other. They aided the
Today, the vast majority of PRO- spread of her doctrine of sun worship, in return
FESSING “Christians” are blindly following in for which she rewarded them with her patronage
Constantine’s Satanically inspired footsteps! “favors.” And for the same reason today many
national rulers of the world have “mutually
Military Might Carries SUNday Through satisfactory relations” (SPIRITUALLY
the Ages SPEAKING) with her counterpart (Revelation
17:1-2) -- this world’s great “UNIVERSAL”
We’ve just seen how Satan instituted his church!
diabolical day -- SUNday -- for the destruction Rulers to this day use their civil office to
of all mankind. aid her -- the “church” -- in spreading her
Now let’s understand the human seductive false doctrines, including pagan SUN
MILITARY MIGHT he has supernaturally worship.
caused to be associated with Sunday to insure 2. Sunday has continued into our day
that its observance would be continued. basically through a SUCCESSION of mighty
1. After the flood of Noah’s time, did world empires under the control of the Catholic
Satan inspire a “MIGHTY ONE” in his cause in Church. Does the Bible show that Satan the
order to delude man? Genesis 10:8. Was the “dragon” (Revelation 12:3, 9) has and is giving
beginning of Nimrod’s kingdom the city of them great power and military authority?
Babel? Verse 10. (“Babel” is a word which Revelation 13:1-2.
means CONFUSION!) There are many of this world’s “greats”
COMMENT: Remember that Satan to which the Devil gave his power. Men of
intended his planetary week to be violence such as NIMROD of ancient Babylon,
CONFUSING. It HIDES YEHOVAH’s true “a mighty one before the LORD,”
lunar week with its commanded seventh-day ALEXANDER “the Great” of Greece and, of
Sabbath and ordinary six numbered days. course, CONSTANTINE “the Great.”
Satan’s week originated in Babylonia, the area in And of the “Holy” Roman Empire which
which Nimrod began his kingdom. projects itself into our age -- JUSTINIAN “the
Tradition and historical records show Great,” CHARLEMAGNE “the Great,” OTTO

How Did Sunday Observance Begin?
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