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Lesson 5 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

“the Great,” CHARLES “the Great” and promises that He will PROTECT you from
NAPOLEON “the Great.” Mighty ones all! Satan and his demons.
Of Alexander the Great and others, it has 1. How can YOU escape the wiles of
been said that they seemed to have been Satan? James 4:7. In what way should you
POSSESSED OF THE DEVIL himself, because SUBMIT yourself to YEHOVAH God? Verse
of their fervor for destruction. 8. How can you draw close to YEHOVAH to be
protected from the Devil and his demons? Same
How to Escape Satan’s Wiles verse.
2. Does this mean that YEHOVAH
Be careful that you aren’t deceived by expects you to turn from DISOBEDIENCE to
Satan and his henchmen into participating in this His law -- observing Sunday and other false
dreadful -- yet deceptively innocent-looking doctrines of this world -- to QUIT SINNING --
custom of Sunday observance -- the “mark of the and begin KEEPING YEHOVAH’s seventh-day
beast"! For those observing it can ultimately Sabbath (according to the lunar calendar) and
suffer ETERNAL DEATH! other commandments? Romans 6:16.
The SABBATH -- which word means 3. If you do repent of breaking
“rest” -- depicts the kind of eternal rest from sin YEHOVAH’s law and begin to KEEP it, does
which YEHOVAH God has in mind for man. He PROMISE TO HELP you? James 4:10. But
But, ironically, Satan deludes man into keeping does YEHOVAH WARN that if you KNOW to
the day of the fiery sun -- SUNday -- causing keep His Holy Sabbath, and DO NOT -- if you
man to commemorate the kind of “rest” Satan continue observing Sunday or the Saturday
has in mind for mankind -- the “rest” of Sabbath -- it is SIN? James 4:17. Is it punishable
ETERNAL DEATH brought about BY SIN! by ETERNAL DEATH in the Lake of Fire?
Satan is a “serpent” -- hidden, but very Romans 6:23 and Revelation 21:8.
deadly -- a great “red dragon” who would COMMENT: Don’t be MISLED into
deceive all mankind into DISobedience and observing any day other than YEHOVAH’s true
eternal damnation. Sabbath Day, or into keeping the Sabbath Day
Satan would like this whole earth, which with any group other than YEHOVAH’s ONE
is finally to become a fiery-red molten mass (II TRUE CHURCH!
Peter 3:10), to contain all mankind ever created Remember! YEHOVAH God has
so they can be BURNED, leaving not a single always had but ONE Church. While a few other
human being who could ever become a very Son “churches” now may “observe” this day, they do
of YEHOVAH God and be raised to a position NOT LIVE BY EVERY WORD OF
higher than ambitious Satan and his fallen YEHOVAH GOD. “Narrow is the way...”
angels! (Matthew 7:14) -- denoting a comparatively
YOU can AVOID this fate! SMALL Church.
Satan has plotted the overthrow of Yet that Church is carrying the true
YEHOVAH’s government ever since he gospel of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God
rebelled against YEHOVAH God. But Satan’s worldwide via the Internet and the printed page!
schemes can be thwarted by Yeshua the This is one of the many “fruits” proving which
Messiah! church is the True Church of YEHOVAH God!
Yeshua the Messiah in you, through His YEHOVAH God has led you to KNOW
HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 8:9-10; Philippians His truth. He wants to know what you are going
2:5; Galatians 2:20), can DEFEAT Satan -- to DO ABOUT IT!
your archenemy!

How Did Sunday Observance Begin?
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