Page 18 - BCCA2
P. 18

COMMENT:  It is  the Potter  (YEHOVAH God)  who fashions  the vessels
               from the raw materials before they have done either good or evil.

               To those who say, all is now of grace to everyone of every race, listen to
               the  much-loved  writings  of  the  well  known  author  Selwyn  Hughes in the
               February 17, 1994 issue of Every Day With Jesus:

               "The word ‘grace’ is unquestionably the most significant single word in the
               Bible, I agree. But it must be understood right away that grace is a charac-
               teristic of God which is exercised only towards those who are seen as hav-
               ing  a special relationship  with Him.  Nowhere in the Bible is the  grace of
               God ever mentioned in connection  with mankind generally, though some
               theologians frequently use the term ‘common grace’ [a term not mentioned
               in the Bible] -- the idea that God gives a special form of grace to the whole
               of mankind, which restrains them from being as bad as they could be.

               "The other day  I came across a  writer who said, The creation of the uni-
               verse was an exercise of grace. I understand that he might have been us-
               ing the word ‘grace’ as a synonym for love, [a mistake often made by Chris-
               tian writers], but strictly speaking the exhibition of grace is reserved for the

               Selwyn Hughes then quotes Arthur W. Pink as saying:

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