Page 16 - BCCA2
P. 16

Comment:  This "for many" is changed to mean "for all",  “all”  being taken
               as every race, outside of Israel. There is no basis in the grammar of the
               Greek text  for such a belief that  makes "many" mean  "all and sun-
               dry." Neither is there any  basis found  through the foundation of the Law,
               the Psalms and the Prophets.

               5. Read, now, the following verses in Isaiah 53: Verse 8; 11-12.

               COMMENT: Verses 11-12 are not accepted today any more than verse 8
               where  we  read,  "for  the  transgression of MY PEOPLE was he strick-
               en." Why not accept this limitation of "My people"?

               There are just  so many
               things  that  are  taught  in
               churches that simply are not
               true. Much of what  most
               people  believe  is  based  on
               half-truths and sentimentality
               that have been passed down
               over the  years. Yet, the
               origin of much doctrinal
               problems can be traced back
               to Rome.

               6.  How  is  the  Babylonian
               paganism of the  Church of
               Rome described in Scripture? Revelation 17:1-6.

               COMMENT: Rome is described as the mother of harlots who seeks to de-
               ceive the whole earth. Belief must be right belief. Satan tempted the Messi-
               ah to bow down and  worship  him through misapplying or misquoting the
               Word of YEHOVAH God. Rome believes she has the right to rule not only
               “The Church” in like manner, but also to rule over all temporal authority. It is
               Israel, as the seed of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, that is to rule with

               YEHOVAH God -- NOT the Church of Rome!

               With  the  current  thought  of  what "all  the  world" means  ingrained  in  the
               mind, people can read Scripture without seeing what is written to the con-
               trary.  Think  back  upon  some  of  the  things  that  have  been  pointed  out
               throughout this lesson. All the pretense in the world that they are not there
               as  themes  through  Scripture,  will  not  eliminate  them  from  the  Holy  Writ!
               While  no  one  person  or  group  has  the  whole  scope  of  Scripture  at  their

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