Page 12 - BCCA2
P. 12

6. Notice Paul’s comment in the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews 4:3.

               COMMENT: This reference covers all those Israelites that YEHOVAH God
               sent into the wilderness to perish forever because of their refusal to believe

                We also know from Biblical statement that no one can enter the Kingdom
               of YEHOVAH God unless they are of Israel. Therefore, it means that peo-
               ple  of  other  races  have  no eternal life in the Kingdom and if there is  no
               eternal life in the Kingdom, there is no eternal life of any kind available to
               them. It is not a case of them being “condemned”; it is simply a matter of
               them  having no eternal life. Unworthy  Israelites  will die, be  resurrected,
               condemned, and have their spirit taken from them (this is the message of
               the parable of the Ten Talents). Their lifeless bodies  will be destroyed in
               the Lake of Fire.

               This  should  be  a  matter  of  concern  to  every  individual  Israelite.  But  if
               someone of another race is to die and never to be resurrected, what does it
               matter to them once they are dead? There is no awareness in the grave,
               only  corruption of the  body.  If  you go to  sleep  and do not  wake up  until
               lunchtime tomorrow, you will not know what time the sun rose. If you die in
               your sleep, you will not know you are dead.

               7. Confirmation of this can be found in the Book of Psalms -- notice! Psalm


               COMMENT: The phrase “men of the world” refers to the non-Israelite races
               of the world. The International Standard Version clarifies this verse by ren-
               dering it in the following fashion:

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