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being joined to  Israel, it is the manner in which they  will be blessed that
               most churches fail to understand.

               4. So how will the non-Israelites be blessed during the Millennium? Isaiah

               COMMENT:  They  will  be  blessed  as  becoming "servants  and  hand-
               maids"!  Mercy is “on  Jacob”  and  this  excludes  all  the other races.  The
               meaning of foreigners being “joined” to Israel says nothing about mercy to
               foreigners; “joined” having a  different  meaning. So, as  we read on, many
               passages confirm that those joining themselves to Israel become “servants
               and handmaids” to  Israelites. “Possess”,  as in “shall possess them,” has
               the meaning of “take possession.” Israel takes “possession” of the foreign-

               The  “people”,  as  a  congregation,  is  one  unit,  comprising  of  masters  and
               servants, just as the “church in the wilderness” under  Moses  was.  There
               the “congregation of the LORD” (edah) was comprised of Israelites, togeth-
               er with the “mixed multitude”. In the wilderness the two groups, within the
               one unit, were treated the same in regard to Law, but were treated differ-
               ently in Tabernacle (Temple) service, with only the cahal (Israelites) be-
               ing able to attend the tabernacle.

               Should the Word of YEHOVAH God Be Taught to These Others?

               Although the Messiah was talking with Israelites when he said that the rain
               falls upon the good and the bad, it is obvious that the laws of science apply
               equally  to all  races,  regardless of racial origins or racial mixtures. These
               laws of science are “laws of YEHOVAH God,” and therefore anyone of any
               race has the physical and mental benefit of obeying them.

               1. What does Romans 3:19 clearly tell us?

               COMMENT: It tells us that whatever the Law contains is said only to Is-
               rael,  as those who were given the Law! But there is more to this than
               meets the eye. The words of YEHOVAH God can be misapplied and misdi-
               rected when they are known. Would teaching the Word of YEHOVAH God
               assist in providing a right direction?

               2. But, to what degree could the Word be heard? John 8:42-47.

               COMMENT: We are told that the Edomites cannot “hear,” and that the Ca-
               naanite  races  are  to  be  exterminated  or  separated  completely.  If  we  are

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