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who were openly prophesying in Baal. This is the national attitude we find
               in Israel today, leading to a judgment that will be greater than that against
               Sodom (Lamentations 4:6 and Matthew 10:15).

               10. How does Ezekiel describe the sin of Sodom? Ezekiel 16:49.

               COMMENT:  This  is  another  picture  of  our  society  where  open  abomina-
               tions include breaking "thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind:
               it is abomination." Today this act is publicly accepted, legal and open as it
               was in Sodom.

               11. How do Peter and Jude picture this and the results that ensue? 2 Peter
               2:6; Jude 1:7.

               COMMENT:  YEHOVAH  God  says  that  these  and  similar  open  abomina-
               tions are worthy of eternal fire. And Anglo-Saxon  Israel is openly flouting

               the  word  YEHOVAH God spoke to them  --  namely  the Ten Command-

               So, Sodom was required to be in subjection to YEHOVAH’s laws and it be-
               comes clear that law existed before the time of Moses.

               12. Read Amos chapter 1 and 2.

               COMMENT: When we look at the language of Amos in these two chapters,
               his expression, "for three transgression…and for four, I will not revoke the
               punishment" is identical in  wording and is the same for  Israel as for non-

               13. Since the language is the same what, then, is the difference between
               Israel and the other races? Ezekiel 16:60-63.

                COMMENT:  The difference  is  the everlasting  covenant YEHOVAH God
               made with His elect. There are no such words addressed to any but Is-


               One of the things peculiar to Western Society (as opposed to any others) is
               the teaching that  racism is  totally  wrong.  Yet, those  who seek to  enforce
               anti-discrimination laws (which include race, racial, and national or ethnic
               origins, and religion) will immediately jump to the support of modern Jewry,
               as a special religious-racial group, even if modern Jewry is made up of
               people from many different races. In modern Western Society people are

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