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An Open Letter from the Staff…

               People brought up with a religious belief may
               have conflict between it  is written and what
               they have been taught. Many  were brought
               up singing in  Sunday School the song, red
               and yellow, black and white; all are precious
               in His sight.  This has given us the thought
               that our God treats everyone of every race
               exactly the same. The Bible does  not sup-
               port the brotherhood of man in the sense that      HOPE OF ISRAEL MINISTRIES
               all men are blood-brothers. It has been point-                  ADVANCED
               ed out that there  are certain ways  where                        BIBLE
               YEHOVAH God does not treat everyone the
               same  --  even  amongst  the  tribes  of  Israel   CORRESPONDENCE COURSE
               themselves  there  are  differences,  so  we  will               LESSON 2
               re-consider some of these treatments.

               We have to ask, What about those non-Israel                      Websites:
               people who are neither Canaanite,  Moabite       
               or  Edomite,  etc?  What  does  Scripture  say  
               about  these?  It  is  safe  to say  that  the  Bible
               says very little. But, one thing is certain and   E-mail:
               that  is  that  they  were  not  given  the  Com-
               mandments,  Statutes  and  Judgments  that       Published at Azusa, California by Hope of
               were given to Israel. Because they did not       Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH).
               have the Law of Moses to break, why should
               they  need  redeeming  from  the  curse  of  that
               broken Law?  Throughout Scripture, redemp-             EDITOR AND DIRECTOR
               tion is spoken of only in regard to Israel.                    John D. Keyser

               One thing we can say  with certainty  is  what           TECHNICAL ADVISOR
               the Bible says about the race of Israel. This is               Sean C. Keyser
               what  the  Bible  is  about.  YEHOVAH  God
               made covenants with Israel; He gave Laws to      YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by
               Israel; He loves Israel and He commissioned      others. Bulk copies for distribution not
               the Messiah to help Him redeem both houses       given or sold.
               of Israel.                                       ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the
                                                                Editor at the following address:
               What  has  originated  from  Rome  and  Jewry,   Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 853,
               with the false  teaching about the Jews are      Azusa, California 91702, U.S.A.
               Israel -- together with the doctrine of Balaam
               -- must be rejected. The Messiah, in the
               messages to the so-called churches in the         About Our Cover…
               Book of Revelation, says he holds these and       The man pictured here is one of many
               some  other  doctrines  “against”  the  assem-
               blies and demands repentance. It is the Mes-      pre-Adamic races to be found in Ethio-
               siah who is issuing the warning!                  pia today.

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