Page 18 - BCCA3
P. 18
COMMENT: This gives what happened in the wilderness as being an exam-
ple. To depart from the living God is idolatry.
The Genetic Code
1. Are there differing bodies and fleshes? I Corinthians 15:38.
COMMENT: Whatever natural “body” YEHOVAH God has given in each is
something that is pre-determined genetically. The Bible refers to man's off-
spring as the "SEED OF MEN". YEHOVAH refers to future generations as
"SEEDS." He speaks of seeds as if He already knows what they are. Seeds
are produced after a seed is fertilized and splits into two completely different
cells with similar but different DNA instructions that will only apply to each par-
ticular new seed. YEHOVAH God calls these containers of genetic instruc-
tions, "seeds."
That is, the same set of directives that were ordained of YEHOVAH God, are
also written in the seeds of descendents. We observe this act of creation eve-
ry time we plant a seed, and watch it grow. A baby is born according to the set
of instructions written in the baby's seed.
2. What are we are told in Genesis? Genesis 1:11-12, 21, 24, 25; 6:20; 7:14,
COMMENT: These verses tell us many times that everything brings forth
“after his own kind”. Sets of instructions are written in the seed of all life on
earth. These sets of instructions are written in coded form inside each cell of
each seed. This coded set of instructions is not the “Living Word” of
YEHOVAH God that we call, “The Scriptures”, because the Words of
YEHOVAH God are spirit (pneuma) and life (zoe).
3. Notice this important verse in Genesis 2:7.
COMMENT: Regarding the Adamic man in Genesis Two, YEHOVAH “formed”
a man from those who had been created in Genesis One, and breathed into
him the breath of life. Eve was cloned from Adam, and became the mother
of “all living”, that is, the mother of those with the breath of YEHOVAH God
potential in their genetic make-up. This life is activated in these by belief in
Yeshua the Messiah. Seeds enclose the coded genetic directions of the Living
God. These written directions located in the seeds, be it vegetable, or animal,
contain the instructions that will command the elements of the earth, to bring
forth life according to YEHOVAH's instructions written inside the seeds.
4. Is everything physical made from the elements found in the dust of the
earth? Again, Genesis 2:7.
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